Sigma X Barrier! Reader

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Have you ever wondered why Sigma is so found of his barrier?

It's because the barrier is the only thing that reminds Sigma of (Y/n). Very sad. When Sigma was still working on his experiments, there was a local (Y/n) helping him.

"If I'm ever gonna die... Turn me into a barrier," (Y/n) would say. Sigma would just stare at them with a raised eyebrow.

"What.the.heck.(Y/n)?" he would slowly turn away from them.

(Y/n) would just grin at their stupid joke every time. And every single day (Y/n) would tell the same joke.

Sigma would always just get weirded out by the strange 'joke' as (Y/n) called it. He wouldn't admit it, but at first he thought they had hit their head or something.

He wanted to be polite so he just gave (Y/n) a tired smile and turned back to work on his experiment.

Then one day (Y/n) didn't tell the joke... At first Sigma was worried because (Y/n) had never skipped a day from the lab in their life. Then he thought that (Y/n) could be just sick.

That thought didn't calm him down too much though.

Later that day Sigma heard what had happened. (Y/n) had died.

Sigma was shocked. How did that happen?

He couldn't even cry at (Y/n)'s funeral. He however remembered the 'joke'...



Sigma felt what he had felt so many years back. There was a tear in the corner of his eye. It felt like losing (Y/n) all over again. Why had he named his barrier (Y/n)?

And the worst part is that Sigma didn't even have the chance to tell (Y/n) that he loved them.


Lol I hope you enjoyed the sadness. Anyway, as you probably have guessed : these one shots aren't going to be serious at all. Some of them are going to be cute though so keep reading them!

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