The Research

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Back on the dock, they headed back the way they had came. Both were still processing what had just happened.

"Pacey...I think that we should.." Joey began before he butted in.

"I know. Not tonight though...let's just go home then we can start doing some digging tomorrow." He suggested.

Still soaked to the bone, as soon as they got through the door, Pacey immediately went straight to the bedroom to get changed.

Meanwhile, Joey sat down at the table and switched the laptop back on. She clicked off of the ghostly picture and onto the web. There was no way that she could sleep easily without at least trying to get some answers. Though she was stumped on what to type into the search engine.



If she typed either of those words in then she'd only get a bunch of made up stories. So instead she typed in the only two words that came to mind. The only two words that fit the situation.

Spirit photography.

It was an incredibly long shot but given the time, it was the only thing she could think of that made sense. That's when she found a website that was dedicated to the paranormal. Reluctantly, and expecting it to be fake, she clicked on it.

What she was confronted with confirmed what she had suspected since first seeing the photograph.

The same thing was in every single image that was uploaded to the site. The same eerie sight as their own pictures.

Having spent hours researching spirit photography after discovering the site, Joey finally managed to dig up a website that seemed legit.

While she was exploring it, she had found the address of a company right there in New York City. So now, here they were, driving to the address that she had scribbled on a napkin, hoping for answers.

The car journey was silent. The radio was off and neither of them were saying a word. Partly because Pacey was still warming up from his ice cold dunk in the sea but mostly because it had finally dawned on them that not everything is as it appears to be. There were more things out there than seemingly possible, more than what could be seen by the human eye.

Finally the silence was broken when Pacey decided to speak.

"So do you think this uh...dare I say ghost, has a reason for photo bombing us." He asked, curious to hear her theory.

"I don't know...maybe. Well it had better be a good reason because the past couple of days have been beyond ridiculous." She responded, her voice completely reasonable but with an edge to it that suggested she was ready to get mad.

He couldn't help but chuckle at the answer. It wasn't quite what he was expecting but it gave him a slight buzz,  which was just what he needed to get his ass into gear. He'd been feeling far too chilly to do anything until now, but instead of giving his usually witty, Pacey Witter response that would most likely get him in trouble with her in that moment, he gave one of his cheesy grins.

"What is there to grin about?" She asked, making no effort to hide the irritation in her voice.

"Jo....don't be such a sour puss, so we have a little ghost problem...nothing that can't be dealt with. A little rock salt...maybe call in Sam and Dean Winchester, then we'll be all sorted." He joked.

She didn't respond to his comment. Only rolled her eyes at him and puffed her cheeks, holding in a laugh.

"You're so not funny Pacey!" She informed him to which he a mock offended expression.

"That's not true. I'm hilarious..a clown some might say." He cheered cheekily.

"Well, you got the clown part right." She retorted sarcastically.

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