Chapter Fourteen- HE WHAT?!?!

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Mira's POV
I heard the door open and saw Cecelia walk in.
"Welcome ba-" I started. Then I saw that she was crying. "What's wrong?" She looked up at me.
"I just want to be alone. I don't want to talk to anyone. Just leave me alone," she said and walked to her room. I frowned. I've never seen her this upset until she found out about... I gasped.
Gray's POV
I called Cece like fifty times and she didn't answer. Then I knocked on her door and neither of them answered. I purposely banged my head on the wall. Gajeel was out somewhere. I sighed and fell asleep.
Cecelia's POV
Mira was now asleep and I walked outside. A hand grabbed me. He was wearing all black. He smiled at me. I blushed a little. He put his hands on my chest but he used a spell that way I couldn't move. He smiled and felt my skin. He carried me away. I still couldn't move. He brought me to a dark alleyway.
"You're prettier than usual," he said.
"And that's supposed to mean what exactly?" I asked. His voice sounded familiar.
"Come on Cecelia. You know that you still love me. You left for no reason," he said.
"You're... You're...," I said.
"The person you'll love forever," he said. He stepped forward and put his lips on mine. He felt his way up my body. I cringed. He slowly began lifting my dress up.
"Stop. Please," I said. He looked at me.
"It'll soon be over," he said. I fell asleep.
I woke up. I turned and saw the guy laying next to me. He woke up and looked at me. He smiled.
"How do you feel?" he asked. I blinked.
"Weird," I replied. He climbed on top of me.
"You've got to be feeling something else," he said as he kissed my forehead, my cheeks, my lips, my neck. He took off his mask.
"Heath?" I asked. He nodded.
"Glad to see you again. Just to let you know that I may have peeked under your dress while you were sleeping," he said.
"YOU PERVE!!!!" I yelled. He smirked.
"I didn't get to look for long. Maybe I should try again," he said as he once again froze me in place and touched the hem of my dress. I kicked him in the head. I don't know how I did it.
"Get away from me!" I yelled. He smiled.
"Are you really going to ask me to do that? You'll just make me want to kiss you more," Heath said. I gritted my teeth. He put his hand on my face.
"Let me go!" I said. He had a strong grip. I kicked him in the gut and ran. Just my luck, I tripped! He towered over me. "Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" He fell and I ran. I made it back to the hotel and back to my hotel room. I was breathing heavily. I carefully made my way back to Mira's bedroom and saw her asleep. I sighed and changed. I have decided to burn those clothes. I looked at the clock and heard a knock by the door. I opened it and saw Gray. He had his suitcase. This made me tear up. He looked at me.
"I know what you're thinking. I still have a few hours. Come with me," he said and dragged me away. We entered the empty hotel room and he put his suitcase down.
"I still don't want you too leave. It's too early to say goodbye," I said and a tear stained my cheek once again. He smiled sympathetically.
"This isn't a goodbye. I know we'll see each other again," he said and kissed my forehead. I kissed him and he kissed me back. His left hand was on my face the other was on my waist. He pulled me closer. I didn't think there was a closer since we were so close. The kiss deepened and he had his hands on my ribs. I stiffened. He took off his shirt and I giggled a little.
"Come on Gray," I said poking him.
"Only us right?" Gray said in my ear. I smiled and he kissed me again. After a few minutes I laid down and fell asleep.
Gray's POV
I looked at Cecelia, who was sleeping peacefully and stroked her hair. I saw her smile. I was going to miss her. She moved and her hand moved and grasped mine. She was asleep but she seemed to be aware of my presence. I kissed her hand.
"I love you Cecelia," I said and left. "I-I'll see you later." It was hard to leave without crying. She was my pride and joy. What was going to happen? What if when she and I found each other, we were both in live with different people? I shrugged off the thought and left the hotel.
Lucy's POV
I looked around for any sign of Cecelia or Gray. It was around noon and I hadn't seen either of them. Mira walked by.
"Hey Mira!" I called. She stopped and turned. "Where are Cecelia and Gray?"
"Gray... He transferred out of the school and Cecelia is cooped up in her hotel room. The last I saw of her, she was crying and staring out of her window," Mira explained.
"Can I visit her?" I asked. Mira nodded and led me to her hotel room. She knocked on Cece's door.
"Go away," she demanded. Mira opened the door anyway.
"Hey," I said softly. Her eyes didn't move from the window but she waved. "How long have you been here?"
"About three hours," Cecelia replied. Not once in that moment did she turn to look at us.
"Come on Cecelia. You can't stay up here forever," Mira said.
"There is room service. I'll live," she replied.
"Come on Cece. Everyone's worried," I said. She finally looked at us but her eyes were filled with a mixture of anger and sadness.
"I don't care if they're worried or not. I want Gray to come back," she replied as fresh tears welled in her eyes.
"He will come back. But in the meantime, we want you to have fun!" Mira said. Cecelia blinked and then shook her head. Mira shrugged. "If you ever want to come down, you know where to find us." We left Cecelia in her bedroom and went back out to the beach.
"I've heard that Lamia Scale was taking a vacation over here too," I said.
"Cool," Mira said. I smiled gently.
"She'll be okay. She's just gotta get used to it," I said. Mira nodded and I hugged her.
Cecelia's POV
I sighed and turned my head from the window. Three hours since Gray left. I sighed. I thought about what Mira said and changed into my bathing suit. I walked down to the beach and saw Mira.
"Mira!" I called. She smiled and waved.
"You came!" she exclaimed.
"I had four reasons to. 1. I was bored. 2. I was hungry. 3. I thought about what you said. 4. I was getting cramps. So, here I am!" I replied.
"I'm just glad that you're here," Mira said and hugged me. A boy with white hair walked up to us.
"Do you know where Gray is?" he asked. I blinked back tears but managed to say, "He left this morning."
"Nice to see you Lyon," Mira said. I blinked.
"You know him?" I asked.
"Yeah. Gray and Lyon were trained by the same master," Mira explained.
"What's you name my lady?" Lyon asked as he kissed my hand. I blushed.
"Cecelia," I said. He smiled.
"Au revoir Cecelia," Lyon said and walked away.
"I think he likes you!!!" Mira said in a singsong voice.
"Don't be ridiculous!" I yelled and pushed her lightly.

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