the weirdo on maple street

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I woke up in mikes clothes to the boys asking the girl we found earlier a million questions. "Did you run away?" Lucas asks "Are you in some kind of trouble?" Mike asks "Is that blood?" Lucas asks "Stop it! You're freaking her out!" I say "She's freaking me out!" Lucas yells at me and I flinch. He feels bad I see it on his face "I bet she's deaf." Dustin says ignoring us altogether "All right, that's enough guys, She's just scared and cold" "Here, these are clean." Mike passes her some of his clothes. She takes them and grabs the bottom of her shirt like she's about to take it off."No, no, no!" Mike says "Oh, my God. Oh, my God." Dustin says turning around and covering his ears like he would be able to hear her undressing "See over there? That's the bathroom. Privacy. Get it?" I said "Mike will take you there"

"This is mental." Dustin says "At least she can talk." Mike says "She said "no" and "yes." Your three-year-old sister says more." Lucas defends  "She tried to get naked." Dustin refers to when she grabbed the bottom of her shirt "There's something seriously wrong with her. Like, wrong in the head." Lucas says "She just went like..." Dustin says and then motions taking off his shirt "I bet she escaped." Lucas says "From where?" Mike asks. I roll my eyes at Lucas "The nuthouse in Kerley County." I sigh deeply "You got a lot of family there?" "Bite me. Seriously though, think about it. That would explain her shaved hair and why she's so crazy." He says "And why she went like..." He motions taking off his shirt again "She's an escapee is the point.
She's probably a psycho." "Like Micheal Myers" " You too are out of your minds," I say "Exactly! We should've never brought her here." He completely ignores me  "So you just wanted to leave her out in that storm?" Mike asks "Yes! We went out to find Will, not another problem." Lucas says " That's such a shitty thing to say. She's not a problem" I say and this time he looks at me with a "seriously" look "I think we should tell your mom." Dustin says "I second that." Lucas says "Who's crazy now?" Mike says "How is that crazy?" Lucas says in confusion "'Cause, we weren't supposed to be out tonight, remember?" "So?" "So if I tell my mom and she tells your mom and your mom..." "Oh, man." "Our houses become Alcatraz." "Exactly. We'll never find Will. All right, here's the plan. She sleeps here tonight." "you're letting a girl stay here?" "excuse me!" Dustin "Just listen! In the morning, she sneaks around my house, goes to the front door and rings my doorbell. My mom will answer and know exactly what to do. She'll send her back to Pennhurst or wherever she comes from. We'll be totally in the clear. And tomorrow night, we go back out. And this time, we find Will." Mike says "Here you go. This is my sleeping bag." "You really think she's psycho?" Dustin asks as we all climb up the stairs "Wouldn't want her in my house." "Mental.". "shut up you too"

I walked through the Parking lot of Hawkins High. I didn't feel like going to school today. I saw Johnathan's car and I walked up to it and knocked on the window. "can I help you, Hayden?" He says as he rolls his window down. " Can I help you?" I sass back. " You practically ran out of the school" " I'm going to see my dad" 'Oh shit' I think. " your asshole dad?" I ask and he chuckles at my bluntness. I open the door and get in the passenger's seat. He sighs and turns the car on. As he pulls out he teases " why aren't you in school, Ms. smartypants?" "I didn't feel like going," I say. " Hey put on some tunes" I shout " okay okay!" He turns on the radio and Will's favourite song comes on, 


"Should I Stay or Should I Go". "Darling, you got to let me know Should I stay or should I go?" " Will what song is this?" "Should I Stay or Should I Go by the clash" He responds"I like it a lot". 

"Should I cool it or should I blow? So you gotta let me know Should I stay or should I go?" We sit in silence for the rest of the ride.

After knocking on the door several A woman who looks twenty-something answers"Can I help you?"  "Yeah, is Lonnie around?" "Yeah, he's outback. What do you two want?"  "To look around, Asshole," I say "Hey, what do you think you're doing? Hey!" "We'll be fast." "Hey, Will? Will! Will, you here? Will! Get off!" "Damn, you've gotten stronger." "Will someone please explain what the hell is going on? "Jonathan, Cynthia. Cynthia, this is Jonathan. My oldest... and his friend?" he points me out " I'm here for Will not your-" Johnathan cuts me off with a look. "Come here." Lonnie says grabbing him in a hug he so clearly didn't want to be in."Get off me, man." He shoves him

I sit in the car while Johnathan and Lonnie talk. I remember all the time Will and I talked about our shitty dads. We cried together when his dad left. Then I realized Will is my best friend.

"Hi sorry I'm late" "Thank you, sweetie." Mrs. Wheeler says to Nancy "It's okay Hayden sweetheart" "So, there's this special assembly thing tonight for Will at the school field. Barb's driving." Nancy lies "Why am I just hearing about this?" Mrs. Wheeler says "I thought you knew." Nancy explains "I told you, I don't want you out after dark until Will is found." "I know, I know, but it'd be super weird if I'm not there. I mean, everyone's going." she tries to reason "Just be back by 10:00. Why don't you take the boys and Hayden, too?" Mrs.  "No!" "Don't you think you should be there? For Will?" I see the girl from yesterday walk down the stairs and my eyes widen. Dustin Slammed his fists on the table "Sorry. Spasm." He explains "Oh, It's okay, Holly. It's just a loud noise."

"El? No adults. Just us and some meatloaf. Don't worry. They won't tell anyone about you. They promise. Right?" I nod my head "We never would've upset you if we knew you had superpowers." I elbow him "Ow!" "What Dustin is trying to say is that they were just scared earlier. That's all." I say "We just wanted to find our friend." Lucas says "'Friend'?" "Yeah, friend. Will?" "What is 'friend'?" "Is she serious?" "a friend Is someone that you'd do anything for." I explain "You lend them your cool stuff, like comic books and trading cards. And they never break a promise." "Especially when there's spit." "Spit?" "A spit swear means" he stops to spit on his hand and slaps it on Dustin's. I grimace "you never break your word. It's a bond." "That's super important because friends, they tell each other things. Things that parents don't know" 

Hayden - a Max Mayfield fanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin