the bathtub (trigger warning)

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trigger warning: blood, mentions of death (don't worry none of the characters die!) and anxiety

I wake up in a dark version of the forest-covered in vines. I'm covered in a sticky goo-like substance and I'm freezing. I stand up holding my shoulder tightly trying to stop the bleeding. I look around and see the creature that brought me here, feeding on the remains of some sort of animal. my eyes open wide. Was it going to do that to me?  eat me? I panic and start to slowly back away but I trip on one of the roots. I hear it screech. I quickly jump up and start to run towards Mike's house. when I get there I kick the door open and lock it before running down the stairs and locking the basement door as well. I turn my head to see the table where we play the nerdy game usually. I see a flash of Will and how he only rolled a seven. I see Eleven placing the Demogorgon on the board next to Will the Wise. "the upside-down" I say putting the pieces together " the Demogorgon" I say. I go upstairs and into the garage grabbing one of Mr. Wheeler's guns that I don't know how to shoot. I try to build up the courage to go out there and face the thing but I can't. I think about how it probably ate Will and all of a sudden I'm not thinking straight. [wink;)] the last thing I remember is walking outside and seeing that beast. 

I come back to reality as I'm on top of that thing, covered in blood but I must have killed it cause it doesn't move. It doesn't try to eat me or go after me as I start to walk away. I see that I have large gashes on my arm, leg and chest probably from the thing. I realize that I'm a murderer. I just killed someone/thing that's half-human at most. as I'm walking I hear a whimpering sound. I turn to see Castle Byers. Will. I walk towards it, gun still in my hand as I hold it tightly just in case. "Byers?" the breathing stops. " H-Hayden?" I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding. I grabbed him and held him tight worried that If I let go he'll disappear. We fall asleep in each other's arms.

I wake up in his arms. I look down to see his face, resting peacefully. I'm so happy that I found him. He probably hasn't slept since he woke up here. I hear a screech and sit up fast. "Will! Will, we gotta go!!" I pick him up and the gun, starting to run. I run into this lab-type thing I run inside and hide in a room. I place Will down on a bed nearby and the gun next to him. When I look up I see a drawing of stick figures one is a kid with Eleven written over top of it and one is a man who has "papa" written over top of it. Eleven. I open the door. When I close the door I see the number 11 written on it. I walk through the halls and see various other numbers written on the doors. When I get to the end of the hall I see a big play area with all kinds of toys. I hear the creature growl and I start to run back to Will. Beside Eleven's room is another room that draws me inside. on the door it says 111. This is the last number. This "papa" stole these kids from their homes and brought them here. Why is this the last number? I thought. I look inside and see a drawing as well a more accurate. one that does not look like stick figures. It's of a man that looks a lot like my father and a little girl that is wearing a dress I had as a kid. It's probably a coincidence. I hear the monster even closer now and I bolt to Will in the next room. I grab the gun and wake Will from his deep slumber. We start running and I realize it's me that it's tracking. It wants the blood on me.  "I'm sorry Will" I shove him into a room and shut the door I run into a place that has a hazard sign and bust through some doors where I then jump in an elevator and go down I run to the end of the hall at the bottom where I see some gooey shit. The same goo I had when I got in here. I look around me and I see that thing crashing through the hall too fast for me to bust open the glass surrounding me. I try to press every button possible to open the doors but I can't. it's too fast. I don't remember anything after that.

a/n: short chapter but the next one is the last one.

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