The Tournament Of Power

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Chaos walked around giving his last food to the Keko he was holding and saw a sign where he gets a life time supply of food if he wins the huge tournament.

So the Keko looked up at Chaos and said. You must enter so me and my clones can have food again.

Chaos signed up to the tournament and waited aside as he noticed some other people signing up to the tournament and one of them named Nora walked up to him as she then spoke to Chaos.

Hey you might wanna not sign up if your wanting to die. Chaos then said, I'm hoping that ain't a threat your making towards me cause the one dying will be the people that get in my way.

Chaos has entered the arena as he then looked around it and saw that it was surrounded by people there to watch him fight.

Chaos then looked around as they announced his name as they waited for his opponent to show up.

Chaos opponent has entered the arena as it his opponent was the world champion named Burtus and Burtus looked down at Chaos and said, You might as well leave while u still can.

Chaos looked up at him as he laughed bit under his breath and said, look sir I have taken down people bigger than man and you don't stand a chance against for at any cost or reason.

Chaos looked at Brutus while Brutus charged at Chaos with a force of a swing of his blade while Chaos then grabs his sword and deflected it back towards Brutus making Brutus unable to fight ever again as Chaos put his foot on Brutus and said, I told you I won't go down easily.

After Chaos has defeated Brutus he would step out the ring waiting for his next fighter to step up and fight their opponent as Chaos would move on towards the finals after he would wait.

So the day was almost at noon as the Final rounds came along as his next opponent would be Nora the woman he met at the sign up board.

Noar scoffed at Chaos as she would walk up towards Chaos and she would flick his forehead and laughed. You wouldn't last three minutes against me short one.

Chaos would then look up at her as his left eye would be as yellow as the sun could his right eye would be covered with an eyepatch as he would be at a height of only 4'4½ as he would then laugh as his right shadow arm slowly grew and the shadows around the arena would slowly wrap around his body while they would slowly cover the right side of his face and the eyepatch covering his right eye would fall off and a flame red pupil would show up as the wound wouldn't show cause of the shadows.

Nora would but puzzled but surprised at the fact of how Chaos turned out but she didn't realize that wasn't his true form and he was hiding it for later on throughout the tournament.

Chaos would walk towards Nora and slowly pulled out a blade from his shadows and started attacking Nora while she began dodging his attacks.

Nora would then strike Chaos in his stomach and laughed as she managed to break through his shadow armor that was covering half his body as Chaos would cough up blood and would stand a few steps back and spits blood out towards the left of his shoulder.

Chaos would then slowly step forward as he would hold up his shadow arm and would move it down in a chopping motion as the shadows would slowly move there way toward Nora cutting her into two halves as Chaos won the tournament and won the life time supply of food.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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