Game Booted

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I left it downloading for about an hour... And then another 30 minutes to let everything else download on the launcher.
I finally was able to click launch, but as soon as i did another prompt appeared. "Some files may be corrupted. Continue?"
Corrupted?! Why were there files corrupted?! I thought to myself once again...finally landing on the assumption that its a horror game...maybe its just for the scares that it says that. The game loaded and i appeared at the title screen, I seen the main girl...Ayano....standing there at the screen next to the menu selections, every once in a while the menu would flicker to an alternate variation, where Ayano and everything else would be covered in blood, and she'd have a knife. This i knew was normal after watching those gameplays. I clicked play and i spawned in what seemed to be Ayano's bedroom...I could tell because of the Senpai Shrine. There wasnt a whole lot to the looked nice though. I went to the door where i was given the choice to either go to School, go into Town, or head down to the Basement....I knew about everything here and that the town was just to Bike ride to i just went ahead and clicked the School option. The screen went black and then loaded back up with Ayano in front of the school gates, i could see some of the other students almost out of view making their way towards the gate as well. I done everything i was supposed to do on the first day, I found Info-Chan, got info on the Rival, took some pictures of Senpai, And then ended the day. The game seemed to be running fine! That was until i started the next day-
I loaded into the next day and realized the transition/loading screen for it was a bit that im meaning the texture for the days were missing and the Month's name was glitched, even though they were fine the first day. "Maybe its just a graphical glitch...the game of course isn't finished so glitches and bugs are bound to happen." I had Ayano standing in front of the school.... Awaiting for Senpai to arrive. But in the midst of the students, i saw something...or...i should say A girl that was standing out from the others, She had long grayish almost black hair and For some reason wore more casual clothes than School clothes like all the other students. She was walking a little ways in front of Senpai, walking the same pace as all the others.

The Yandere Demon (A Video Game Creepypasta/Story) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora