It hurts..

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  I took home the pc and started to hook up everything. The lady was right, as soon as i powered it on everything was just a big glitchy mess. "This shouldn't be much of a problem-" I spent the next 2 hours cleaning and repairing the pc. When i was done i plugged everything in again and powered it on- Surprisingly it worked!

The kid didn't have a password on his computer either, which was a good thing for me. He had at least 4 games on here, Minecraft, Phasmophobia, VrChat, and... Yandere Simulator? I haven't heard of that game in a while-
Ive seen others play it but have never played it myself. "Might as well test how well the game runs and if there's anything else i need to fix..." I started up Yandere Sim and waited.....

The main menu appeared and I looked at the options, everything seemed to be at a good setting so I started the game.

I played around for a little while and was honestly having fun! I remember that the game had a mods menu as well so i tried out that. I began testing them on many of the npcs. One in particular looked frightened everytime i used the mods... I think i killed him with a couple others at least 7 times. I stopped after a while with the mods and tried to play the game normally- One thing still creeped me out though.... That one npc! He keeps staring at me with an odd look everytime i run by him or when im just near him. Does he have a thing against the character im playing?

I continued playing until i had to kill at least a couple npcs- I found the one that kept creeping me out, i went for him but stopped when a piece of text appeared at the bottom. "Can you stop killing me please?! It hurts!!!"

The Yandere Demon (A Video Game Creepypasta/Story) Where stories live. Discover now