Just In Case

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"Just In Case"
Laying sideways on their bed crying. Their head resting on their hand not wanting to wet their pillow. Not wanting to be too loud.

All they wanted was to be gone from this world. To die. They soon sat up sniffing back up the mucus in their nose. Wiping their tears, staring at the wall.

Dazing off until a knocked interrupted them. "It's time to eat, cmon." You sigh not feeling hungry and reply back, "I'm not hungry. I already ate," lying to your brother.

With no reply back, all you heard was footsteps slowly fading away. Feeling the need to go to the bathroom. You get up.

Opening the door, you walk to the bathroom. Locking the door. You stare at yourself in the mirror, feeling disgusted at how you look.

Your eyes red and puffy. Dried tears on your cheeks. Your messy and tangled hair. You immediately frown.

Sighing you go and pull down your pants before sitting down on the toilet.

After finishing your business. You get prepared to do your nightly routine. Putting toothpaste on your toothbrush, you start brushing.

Brushing until your gums start bleeding, you didn't care. You just stared in the mirror. Until you finally decided to stop.

Pouring the mouthwash in the cap, you pour it into your mouth. Gurgling the mouthwash and then spitting it out. Wiping your lips.

You place your hands on each side of the sink, staring down at the sink. All the negative thoughts swarming back into your head.

Letting out another sigh. You look back up and put away your toothbrush plus mouthwash. Until something caught your eye.

The pills your mother gave you. Staring at it for about a minute. You thought to yourself. "Should I? It's not like anybody would care."

Grabbing the pills, you stare at it. Unsure whether or not to do it.

Shaking your head, you say to yourself. "What am I doing. I shouldn't do this..."

Closing your mirror door. You unlock the bathroom door, closing the lights. Walking back to your room, the pills moving around in your pockets.

"Just in case," they thought.

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