Im Sorry

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"I'm sorry"
There you sat in the cold pitch dark room. Shivering due to your lack of clothes. You sat in the corner.

You didn't know where you were. All you knew was that you ran, running far from your home. You hated it there. You wanted to get away from your brothers.

You stare at your bag pack. Filled with clothes, snacks and all the things you needed. But all you had was $50. Not enough...

You get up from the corner, rubbing your forearms trying to form warmth. Regretting that you forgot to bring a jacket.

You step out of the dark room. Looking out in the halls, old spiderwebs hanging. Walking, everything was pitch silent, the only noises were the floor creaking underneath you. The crickets chirping.

Finally leaving the abandoned house. You take a moment to take a deep breath. Wondering where to go, all you knew was that you never wanted to go back.

Walking and walking you reach a store. You go outside because why not? You walk around until you reach a certain aisle. There something caught your eyes

A rope.

You slowly walk towards it. As you finally step in front of it. You lift up your arms lightly brushing your fingers on the rope. The rough feeling hitting the tips of your fingers.

"Should I?" You whisper to yourself.

After moments of thinking back and forth. You bought it. Walking out of the store. You check your phone, tears forming in your eyes. Were you really going to leave everyone behind?

Finding your way into a forest. Breathing in the fresh air. Listening to the crunching underneath your feet. Wondering farther into the dark forest.

You find a big tree, sitting down underneath it, you let out a low sigh. Staring at the rope sticking out of your back pack.

A small smile forming in your eyes. You'll be able to see your dad again :) Thinking why not go join your dad? But then you let out a chuckle.

"Who am I kidding, he's probably in heaven, i'm just going to hell."

Losing your dad was one of the most unexpected things to happen in your life. Flashbacks of walking into the garage seeing your dad's lifeless body hanging.

You couldn't take it anymore. Your breath hitched, hot tears rolling down your cheeks.

"Why, why did you have to leave..."

You whisper holding onto your chest sobbing. Slowly you leaned back onto the tree, your head resting. Until you got a notification from your phone.

You looked down. Completely forgetting about all your online friends. You cry even more. You grab your phone going onto to instagram.

Starting at your 13 messages you had. You go and press the plus button, ready to say goodbye.

After writing out your goodbye. You turn off your phone, slowly getting up. Trying to steady your breathing. Taking the rope out of your back pack.

Looking around to see any branches strong enough to hold you. Until one caught your eye. You let out a deep breath before heading towards over there.

You sigh as you realize it's too tall. But then remembering you can climb it. As you climb up the tree, you sit down on the branch. Taking a moment to think about what you were about to do

"This is it," you say, before tying your noose. Getting ready to prepare yourself. You hear notifications coming from your phone.

"I'm sorry guys, I failed you. Goodbye..." was all you said before dropping down.

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