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"Draco, would you just drop it? You're needy and it's annoying. Cedric and I don't want you in our bed," you roll your eyes softly, groaning at the sound of the boys whiney voice.

"Fine then. How about it's just you and me?"

"No. Go fuck Pansy or something. I'm sure you could get a good threesome with Potter and Weasley," a quiet laugh escaped through your plump, strawberry tinted lips as you made your way to the hufflepuff common room, draco soon stopping and watching you continue to walk, giving up.

"Now, what's this I hear about a threesome?" Cedrics voice chimed in, an arm wrapping around your waist from behind as he presses a single, soft kiss under your jaw, chuckling quietly.

"Nothing- just.. malfoy being desperate again."

"We must've done well the first time if he keeps coming back-"


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2021 ⏰

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