About my OC

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Name: Gustav Taylor

Age: 14

Race: Irish-American

Sex: Non-Binary Boy

Pronouns: He/Him or They/Them ( I'm using Steven Universe gem logic here)

Hobbies: Wood carving

About the character:

He has Semi-Long hair mostly covering his eyes and wears a Plaid red shirt, ripped jeans, white sneakers, hoodie tied around his waist, and a side bag he carries two wood carving knives with him. His family owns a wood carving business in Alaska and hand crafts every wooden decoration inside Jurassic World. And he has an eye for friendship for one of the campers. He is into gory stuff that's the reason why he accepted the invitation to Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous he knows the history behind the place.

he is very open in being Non-binary it took him years to were he is today.

Personality: He has a calm personality tending to use rational thinking instead of running at things head first. He doesn't really know how to take compliments, when he does he gets red. He tends to sympathize with shy people more than loud and ignorant people.

Fun fact:

He is an inch shorter than Ben

His Birthday is on January 31 2001

He lives in Alaska.

His dad is Irish while his mom is American

his dad is supportive (good for him)

He has 2 brothers and 1 sister.

He paints his Nails black


A/N: I hope Gustav isn't to cringy 

Also First 2 chapters will be posted today 5:30 or 6:30 pm GMT+8

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