Chapter 3: The Cattle Drive

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"We thought it'd be fun"

Fire crackled

"We thought we'd be safe but.."

"We didn't realize the horror waiting for us on the island."

"Claws, teeth, screaming" Darius listed down while telling his story "So much screaming."

Sammy was sitting listening attentively while Ben was sitting down between Gustav and Kenji, getting spooked out by the story wrapping his arms around Kenji's arm, Gustav was just listening to the story clearly excited for the climax while sitting in a indian sit on the bench

"How much screaming" Ben asked clearly scared he was disrupted by Kenji who whispered

"Shh, He's getting to the good part." Gustav looked at Ben and placed a hand on his shoulder. Ben looked at Gustav, Gustav answered his question.

"Probably a lot," Ben whimpers.

"The T. rex stalked closer" Darius continued. "Her jaws opened wide" he raised both his hands to continue but was stopped by a shuttering of a camera. Everyone looked at the source and it was Brooklynn. Gustav was clearly upset putting his hands on his face, while the others just exclaimed 'whats' or 'huh?'.

"For the vlog." she clarified "Keep telling your little story." she pointed her phone at Darius, Darius continued pulling his hoodie up.

"Oh, here we go," Kenji whispered. Ben was now holding onto Kenji's arm tightly. Gustav saw Ben's scared face and leaned his head on Ben's shoulder in a way to comfort Ben. Ben looked at Gustav and felt himself lightening his hold.

"The T. Rex..." Before Darius could put in another word he was cut off by Brooklynn who exclaimed.


Kenji groaned, putting both his hands on his cheeks while the others just looked at her.

"Out of space. Wait, I'm sorry, hold on. I just don't wanna delete my selfie on Everest, you know?" She showed Sammy the picture and Sammy exclaimed 'ooh' Darius and Gustav gave unamused faces.

"Maybe I should just start over" Darius suggested but was answered by a frightened voice.

"No" from Ben "in fact, you can just stop" while tightening his grip on Kenji's arm, making Gustav fall from the bench they were on, hitting his head on the floor. Ben worriedly looked back at Gustav but still had the tight grip on Kenji's arm and anxiously said "Sorry"

Gustav got up touching his head disorientedly gaining his composure, getting back up onto the bench and said "It's fine I had worse falls." Ben looked at him in concern but was stopped by Kenji who exclaimed.

"Dude, chill. He's not even telling the story right now. And how is your grip, this strong!" while trying to pull away.

"So, the T.rex stalked--" Darius continued but was disrupted again, by Sammy who asked.

"Shouldn't we call Yasmina over? I bet she'd love this story." Darius groaned, laying down on the bench he was sitting on. Everyone looked back at the girl leaning on the railing.

"Maybe she wants to be by herself" Brooklynn said they turned away from the girl while Sammy gave a confused face and said.

"I don't understand"

"You know how sometimes people just wanna be left alone?" Kenji said while giving a side eye to Ben who was now looking at Gustav, who was still holding a bump on his head.

"You know the saying, being a hermit?" Gustav said slightly leaning so he could see Sammy, Sammy didn't answer but gave a face of confusion. "It's someone who likes to be alone far away from people, tending to keep away so that they can have their privacy." Gustav continued pointing at Yasmina. Sammy looked at Yasmina and back to the group and laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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