Chapter 2: The Genetics lab

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The raptor screeches in front of Darius and Kenji making them back up slowly "It's okay. It's okay we're all okay" Darius said, he looked back at Kenji and asked "Kenji, those bones check for a raptor skull" Kenji looked down and up looking scared and questioned "What?" Darius stuttered saying "In the Video game, I--" Kenji disrupts him

"You wanna talk about Video games now?" The raptor screeched and Darius fell frantically moving backward while Kenji was hitting the gate frantically. The raptor pounced but was disrupted by a flare in the sky and a piece of wood log to the snout Darius looked up and saw that it was Brooklynn and Gustav after seconds they saw the lights around the enclosure turned on and 3 of the four raptors were disoriented but one decides to pounce again.

"Get out of there!" They heard Roxie yell while they were pulled back and the gates shut, stopping the pounce from the charging raptor. Both kids backed away from the gate that keeps them away from the raptor. They stand up and pants with Dave they hear vehicles arriving men Shouting.

" Secure, the paddock!" and "Move-Move-Move!" While other men ran after the first ones.

Darius looked up at Dave and said while panting "Dave, that was.... Thank you so much."

"Oh, that's standard procedure, Darius. I do that kind of stuff all the time" Dave said sounding like he was about to throw up "Give me a second" he continued and he starts to vomit the two campers looked at Dave in Disgust and worry "That's better" Dave said after throwing up

Roxie ran up to Dave and asked.

"Are you hurt?" as she looked back at the 4 campers "Is everyone alright" Kenji was sneaking away but he was hit in the head by a piece of wood thrown by Gustav making him fall down he looked up and heard Roxie say in a threatening voice "Where do you think you're going you and Darius are in big trouble" Darius tried to explain but was cut off by a furious Camp counselor "Save, it! We'll decide what to do with you later. Even if you remain here after a stunt like this." all 4 campers walked back to the vehicle in shame.



Kenji and Darius sat on the couch while Kenji was doing 'pop' sounds with his lips, Darius had enough and said angrily "How could you do something so stupid" Kenji looked at him and retorted calmly " I do a a lot of stupid things, so you'll have to be a little more specific than that. Girls love a grand gesture, Junior. You'll understand when you're older" a new voice arrived from the other couch "No they don't, especially when the grand gesture you are talking about is a one way ticket to getting kicked out of camp" Gustav said while carving a perch for the wooden bird it seemed like it was almost done, Darius gulped and Kenji asked "What are you doing here I thought, Dave and Roxie said you were out of trouble"

"I have unfinished work, that I have to finish" Gustav answered, Darius looked down angrily and Kenji felt sympathetic and admitted "Okay, it wasn't my best idea. Look, I don't want to get kicked out either. When my dad..." Gustav stopped carving and looked up and so did Darius looking sympathetically "My whole life, I've been trying to make him proud. If he finds out that I messed up again, he might... finally give up on me for good" the doors opened loudly and the three campers looked up at the two camp counselors.

"We gave Brooklynn a warning for sneaking out and you too Gustav," Dave said displeased while Gustav just pretended to tip a hat "but what you two chuckleheads did--" he continued but was disrupted by an angry Roxie "Especially you, Kenji! Your recklessness put yours, Darius and Dave's lives in danger! Good thing that Gustav's quick thinking stalled the raptors enough for you two to get pulled out" The two boys looked at Gustav who was carving details on the perch With his knife and looking back at Roxie "We should call you parents--" she was disrupted by Darius admitting frantically "It was my fault!" everyone looked at Darius with surprised expressions "I jumped into the pit Kenji was.. Trying to save me." and Kenji slides next to him and puts an arm around Darius' shoulder

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