Prologue & The Down Relay

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Jaune Arc was running through the thick foliage of the forest he was in. Grimm were gaining on him by the second. Little over a month ago, Jaune was training to become a huntsmen, but his family, mainly his father, refused. So he decided to do lie his way in by forging transcripts. He managed to get in, but not even a month into his first year, he was discovered by a bully named Cardin. Cardin blackmailed Jaune to do his own bidding. Eventually, Jaune had enough, but ended up saving the young Winchester from a Grimm.

But instead of feeling grateful, Cardin claimed that he himself was the one who killed the Grimm, and revealed Jaune's secret to the rest of Beacon.

Everything went downward for the poor Arc...

"Hey look, its the faker."

"He doesn't belong here."

"What a loser."

Then came Yang of all people, who opted to openly hunted Jaune. Even after threatening him, and Jaune keeping his distance, she still beat him up.

"STAY AWAY FROM MY SISTER YOU DIRTY LIAR!!!" she screamed as she beat him to a pulp.

As Jaune got back onto his feet, he felt like a sickness was slowly building up in him. These students. These huntsmen? They were the protectors of Remnant? No NO! They weren't! Now he saw the truth, they were simply mercenaries who used the title of 'huntsmen' for personal glory.

As days went by, everyone continued to torment him. From Weiss, to Yang, to Cardin, to even Ruby. But Jaune knew that the latter was involved due to peer pressure from her sister, but felt hurt nonetheless. But it stung more when Pyrrha refused to help him. Only Ozpin remained loyal and supportive.

But then came the worst part...

"Jaune! I demand you turn over your weapon at once!" his father shouted at him

Jaune remained quiet as he handed the weapon over to his dad. The man practically pulled the weapon out of his grasp before slapping him across the face.

"You are hereby disowned from our family, consider that you goodbye." his father sneered before marching out of the office. Jaune was then helped back onto his feet by Ozpin, who was nearby.

"Well...that went better than I expected." Jaune muttered sarcastically and with a hint of venom

"I'm afraid it gets worst..." Ozpin said to him sadly, "The Council has-"

"Order for me to be expelled?" Jaune guessed, "I know. Cardin's dad is on the Council."

"But they don't have to know that you left." Ozpin continued, "I can keep you here in secret, I can help you Jaune."

"Your offer is kind Professor..." Jaune said to him, "But I politely decline. I-I have to go..."

Ozpin lowered his head, "I understand..."


Now, while Ozpin seemingly agreed with letting Jaune leave. In reality he wanted him to stay, so he had Glynda go fetch Jaune, and force his confinement to Beacon. But before that could happen, several events had transpired. Glynda found Cardin the bathroom a bloody mess and a shattered mirror. A sample of fire dust which was set off in Yang's bed, and a sample of ice dust which was set off in Weiss' bed respectively.

"WHERE'S THAT FAKER!?" Yang cried in burnt clothing, "I WANT HIS HEAD!!! NOW!!!"

"That dolt ruined my hair!" Weiss added, "MY HAIR!!!"

Ozpin folded his hands before speaking, "I'm afraid he's gone. He left even before Professor Goodwitch could find him."

"Well find him then!" Weiss demanded, "Remember who I am Professor!"

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