Going to War

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"Commander, the report for the Grimm and White Fang encounter has been filed

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"Commander, the report for the Grimm and White Fang encounter has been filed." Joker announced as the entire squad met in the War Room. 

"Understood Joker." Shepard replied

"So was it true that Liara had to save your ass from a giant wolf?" Joker then asked

"And who you that?"

"She did."

Shepard looked at the asari, "Really?"

"Why not?" Liara shrugged, "Have to have fun every now and then."

Garrus then took the moment to move onto the topic at hand, "So what's our next course of action?"

"Garrus is right Shepard." Wrex agreed, "There's nothing really here for us. Unless you want ot retire to your home?"

"I disagree." Shepard replied, "That relay sent us here, to Remnant. There has to be a way back."

"But the relay was damaged when we saw it." Tali countered, "It could've taken us anywhere."

"Highly unlikely." EDI stated, "Each relay is set to a specific system, regardless of damage. That mean there's a relay nearby."

"But the Normandy long-range scanners are badly damaged." Shepard pointed out, "Maybe there's something on Remnant."

"Shepard is correct." said Liara, "Its possible that the Reapers, or even the Protheans knew about Remnant in someway. There could be a beacon or facility hidden on the planet."

"Really wish Javik were here." James muttered, "He could help us."

"Then we have our objective." Shepard announced, "We search Remnant for any sign of Protean civilization."

"What the about the White Fang? Or Atlas?" Ashley asked

"Yeah, we can't have them on our backs." Garrus added, "That is, if Atlas finds us."

"We'll deal with the White Fang our way." Shepard announced, "Everyone hates them, so we'll be getting one thing off the kingdoms' back. In order to stay one step ahead of them all, Liara's gonna be very helpful."

"Commander?" Liara questioned

"It's time Remnant had its own Shadow Broker." Shepard said to her, "We'll need all the intel we can find in order to stay ahead of everyone else. Remnant's global communication system should be easy to hack, EDI can help in doing that."

"I will be happy to assist." EDI added

"Very well Shepard." said Liara, "I will be in my quarters, EDI if would follow me."

"The rest of you are dismissed."



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