PT 4

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"because love... love can burn like a cigarette"

the day it happened was June 15th. The I realized what Patrick and me were.. was.. whatever.

Patrick had picked up a little girlfriend who in enraged me. She always talked about her future and kids and stuff Patrick was definitely uncomfortable with her doing this considering the looks he gave me.

after she left I was pissed. Patrick was sitting on my bed. I came in my room and he looked at me

"what's up with you?" I looked down at him and chuckled "what's up with me? what's up with you Patrick." "what are you talking about hen.." "don't call me that! and you told me you wouldn't date anyone this summer and you'd only pay attention to your friends this summer..... me" I whisperd the last bit "Henry... is this about Lily? you know I don't actually like her right? she's not even my type.." "everyone's your type" "I guess your right.... but no I don't actually like her" "why are you dating her then" "she wants to scare her parents..." "so she's dating you?" "yeah"
"so why does she act like your girlfriend when it's just us?" "that I don't know... I'm gonna break up with her... I promise" "sure sure you do" "Henry, don't get all pissy with me, we can still have a good time, she doesn't have to know" I looked up at him

"what do you mean by that?" "I think you know exactly what I mean by that" "maybe tonight, not right now" "well why not Hen?" "because pat! if someone sees us, there's no way it could be something else" "fine fine, but tonight" he said standing up "c'mon, the boys wanna hang out" I nodded quickly and stood up, putting my shoes on.

about an hour later, Me, Patrick, Belch and Vic were sitting outside of Vic's house, smoking and talking "so you guys going to college?" Vic spoke up after a long silence "fuck no" Patrick laughed "why would I make myself go through 4 more years of this hell" he said shrugging "yeah, me too I'm definitely not" I said "I don't think I could actually do it, like I would die" I said laughing a bit

"I think I'm going to college" Belch said "I wanna good job, y'know?" we all nodded "me too" Vic said "well you guys gotta promise to leave us after graduation" Patrick laughed a bit.


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