Landing on Luna

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Okaaayyy. So this is kinda my version of Winter, before it comes out. I own none of the charectors (They belong to Marrisa mayer, Lucky). So Because The Lunar Chronicles is life and I'm a huuuge Lunartic, I hope you like it!

Cinder sat against the wall trying to remember how to breathe. Her eyescreen was filled with web casts of the attacks on earth. Looking down on earth, it was impossible to imagine that there was a war going on.

"Luna: landing approximately in 20 minutes. Prepare for landing." The ship said, bringing her back to the present.

"you ok?" She turned around. Kai was standing there, he had changed into a pair of jeans, they were obviously wolfs, because they came over his feet. She just groaned and rolled over to face the ships control centre where thorne was running the ship. "You know,"Kai said sitting down beside her. "I think you've been taking lessons from Wolf. This war isn't your fault Cinder, It's gonna be ok." He pulled Cinder into a hug. And they sat there as the rampion came in view of luna. "You guys ready?" Thorne asked from the cockpit. It was obious he meant alot in that question.

"Yes. We're ready." Kai said, answering for her. "rampion proceeding to landing. Ea time: 1:28" the ship said through the speakers. Landing in 5 minuutes. Approximentaly 10 unknown marked ships ahead. Do you wish to proceed?"

"Cinder your gonna need to put a glamour up if were gonna make it through this."Thorne said from the seat in the cockpit. He looked back. "You think you can do that?"

Cinder just groaned and rolled over into kai.

"Obviously Disney has never met an actual princess."

Cinder just glared at him and got up. Were just a lunar ship. There's nothing different about us. You will let us through.

"The ships are letting us through!" Kai said from the window looking out.

"That's great princy. Now I'd get out of the window or you fiancé not gonna be to pleased."

"Levanas not my fiancé." Kai said giving him a death stare.

"Actually, Accoding to my news feed, Queen Levana of Luna is to be married at 13:00 to Emporer Kaito"

Kai just sighed and stepped away from the window. Thorne, being satisfied, turned his attention back to the ship. You could now see the little streets and the city of Luna spread out over the moon like little Sparkles.

"So.. where are we supposed to be landing?" Thorne asked.

"Near the palace's Lunar operatives Building." Cress said coming out of one of the doors. "If we want to get into the palace that be the easiest place to do so. Plus you can hide your ship in one of the labs." She had obviously just woken up. Her blonde hair hung halfway down her back in tangled knots.

"Got it." Thorne said grinning at her. He headed in Cinder focoused harder on the glamour.

This is normal. Turn around there is no reason for you to question us. We're are not suspicious.

"OK," Cinder began as everyone crowded around her. They had made it to the warehouse. "Kai and I are going to make our way to the Courtroom, Wolf is going to find Scarlet, Cress and Thorne are going to find Jacin."

"This plan is kind of sketchy isn't it?" Thorne asked. "Why do we need to find Jacin anyways?"

Cinder just smiled. "Because if we leave him, he won't be pleased with us taking his precious princess." She said with a bit of contempt.

"Alright so we get to the courtroom, What do we do? Just walk in there and tell them your Selene?" Cinder turned to Kai. He was sitting on one of the many crates in the rampion. " There's gonna be gaurds there, plus a lot of aristocrats. We're gonna need a plan."

He's right, Cinder thought. I can't just walk in there. Not alone. "We'll take some of the lunar operatives." Cinder said before she even thought it through. Kai looked at her, shocked. "Oh-ok."

He said. Wolf looked at her with a levelled look. He looked more alive than he had since the thaurmage had taken Scarlet "They're just as human Cinder. They just lost their lives to the crown."

"I know. I won't let any of them get hurt." Cinder didn't know herself if she could keep that promise.

"Alrighty then." Thorne said sounding oddly calm. "So just find the guard and back to the ship? I don't know if I can do that. My eyesight still hasn't completely returned."

"Chances are, He's with her anyways." Cress said. "She has guards following her everywhere so it's possible."

"Go with wolf then." Cinder said thinking about the plan in her brain. This was it. After this, there was no going back. "Alright, let's go." They filed out of the ship. "OH ya. Iko!"

Cinder yelled back up into the hatch on the ship. "Come on!"

"We're gonna need her. She can't be glamoured." Kai nodded, his eyes on the ground.

"OK. We're off to find Winter!" Thorne said cheerfully. They headed out with Cress in the lead. With her portscreen, she had a map of the palace so she knew exactly where to go.

Cinder watched them walk off. She hoped they found her without any trouble. I wonder if she remembers me.

"You ready?" Kai asked coming up behind her, pulling her into a hug.

"No" Cinder responded. "I'm not ready, not at all. So many people are counting on me. What if I mess up?"

"You won't. I promise." He leaned her against her forehead.

"I really hate to ruin your guy's moment," Iko said, jumping down from the hatch in the spaceship. "However, we have company."


So yeaahh... Hope you Like it! XD :))))


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