Chapter 5

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*knock knock* Camila can I come in. Camila's aunt asks her. Yeah! Camila says in a soft sad tone. You know u don't have to go to school today. U can take a little time off from school, the educators will understand. Camila's aunt says while going to sit on Camila's bed. No no no aunt Jess I want to go to school I need to go to school. Besides it's the first day of school so I have to. Okay I tried but call me if u need anything alright. I will thanks aunt Jess. Of course. Anything for my favorite niece. I'm your only niece. Camila says making both of them chuckle. A few minutes later Camila leaves for school.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2021 ⏰

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