11: Ferris Bueller, you're my hero.

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3rd persons pov

Waves crashed against the shoreline on the beach the four teenagers sat above, Cameron lying on the stone wall that lined the platform they were on.

"This may very well be for real. I think Cameron might have blown a micro chip or two. He's always been a little keyed up. All I wanted to do was give him a good day." Ferris sat on a bench, explaining to the fourth wall as Sloan sat by Cameron's head on the wall, trying to coax him out of this state he was in. Beside Sloan sat Y/n.

Sloan's hands were gently placed on his face and she gently shook it, his only response being a single blink.

"We're gonna graduate in a couple of months and then we'll have the summer. He'll work and I'll work. We'll see each other at night and on the weekends. Then he'll go to one school and I'll go to another. Basically that will be it." Ferris looked at Sloane still trying to get Cameron to snap out of it. After a glance at Y/n, he got up and walked a bit away from the other three.

"Y/n's as big a problem. We're not even together! How do I deal with that? I'm in love with her. I was serious when I said I would marry her. I would." Ferris looked at Y/n who was sitting beside Sloan with a sympathetic smile.

"And Sloan, she still has another year of high school, how is Y/n supposed to deal with that?! They're best friends. We all are."

"Cameron? Cam?" Sloan spoke quietly as she stroked some hair from his forehead. "Can you hear me? Cameron, blink if you understand me."

"Cameron has never been in love. At least, not that I'm sure of. I know for sure he has a "little" crush on Sloan. If things don't change for him, or if he doesn't man up enough to make a move on her, he's gonna marry the first girl he lays. And she's gonna treat him like shit, because she will have given him what he had built up in his mind as the end-all, be-all of human existence. She won't respect him, 'cause you can't respect somebody who kisses your ass. Just doesn't work. Unless there's some twist of fate and Cameron ends up with Sloan, that'll be his life." Ferris explained.

"Ferris." Y/n's voice cut from where she sat beside Sloan, watching her hopeless attempts at snapping Cameron out of it. "We better try something else." Y/n said.

Sloan nodded, giving Ferris a quick glance. "This isn't working." She informed.

Y/n's pov

"Feeling any better, Cameron?" Ferris asked from where he sat next to me in the bubbling hot tub. Sloan sat beside me, looking up at Cameron where he was rested in a chair on top of the diving board that led to the pool.

When he didn't answer, Ferris went back to eating his Oreos.

"Cam, why don't you come in here?" I asked.

"It's really nice." Sloan tried.


"Cameron, I can flip out real easy too. It's okay." I tried to sympathize with a small smile on my face.

"Sooner or later, everybody goes to the zoo." Sloan added.

"Maybe he's really sick." Ferris suggested, eating another Oreo. "Maybe he isn't just torturing himself."

All three of us looked back to Cameron just in time to see him tilt forwards and flip into the pool.

We exchanged looks of worry, waiting for Cameron to come back up.

Ferris quickly got up from the hot tub and stepped over the edge that separated it from the pool, he dove down into the water and grabbed Cameron.

Sloan and I quickly got out of the hot tub and stood at the edge of the pool, watching the scene unfold.

Ferris hoisted Cameron to the surface and Sloan and I each quickly grabbed one of his arms to help Ferris lift him up and out of the pool.

"Hey." Ferris spoke worriedly to Cameron.

"Hey, hey! Hey, Cameron!" Ferris lightly tapped his cheek, trying to wake him up. "Cam! Cameron, wake up! Come on, wake up. Hey, wake up." He glanced at the both of us in worry. "Oh shit, Cameron, come on, Cameron. Come on, wake up! Hey!"

Cameron's eyes fluttered open, a smile growing on his face.

"What is that?" Ferris asked.

"Ferris Bueller, you're my hero." Cameron replied in a stereotypically nerdy voice.

I rolled my eyes and Sloan cracked a smile.

"You're kidding?" Ferris said in disbelief.

"Wow, that was pretty impressive, man." Cameron said in his normal voice.

"Oh! You bitch." Ferris started as Cameron laughed. "You son of a bitch!"

Ferris went to splash him, and Cameron narrowly escaped Ferris, dodging the spray of chlorine water.

Getting fed up, he pushed Cameron off the step he was sitting on.

"Come on!" Ferris said to him. "Tarzan!" He yelled, grabbing me by the waist and pushing me into the pool as I shrieked.

Cameron jokingly acted like he was stabbing Ferris in the chest in order to save me.

"You too." Cameron said to Sloan, grabbing her as she screeched and pushing her into the pool.

"Sheena!" Cameron yelled before jumping into the pool over where Sloan and I were as Ferris jumped back into the pool.

Word count: 905

I'm in love with an idiot (Ferris Bueller x reader)Where stories live. Discover now