Imagine three

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this will be sad

You are lying there in the hospital bed, you had just burned off half of your flesh in a studio fire. Thomas is right next to you, Bawling into his hands.

"*Y/N* if you can hear me, I love you, and I will never stop loving you until the day I die, even with only some remaining flesh on your face, your still beautiful" Thomas says holding your hand.

He lets out a loud sob, and tears stream out of his eyes as fast as a river. After about 20 minutes of Thomas sobbing into your hands,
your heart stops, and you die. At your funeral thomas speaks.

"*Y/N* was the love of my life, and if I could I would spend the rest of my with that girl right there in that coffin. I was with her when her heart stopped, I am in love with *Y/N* and noone can sever that love" he says with his sweet accent.

In your heart you always know that he will always love you.

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