New Friends, Old Problems

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??? POV: 

I awoke early with the sun in my eyes, waving my hand in front of me shielding my eyes from the bright rays of light coming through the window. Getting up and grabbing a towel and my school uniform, I went to take a shower. "Breakfast is ready come and get it" called my mum. Walking back to my bedroom after doing my hair and taking my phone, bag and keys I go down to the kitchen and have breakfast. "thanks mum, come on Chase we have to go get Zuma before we go to school" I say leaving the house, "Coming Everest, thanks mum bye" said Chase as he picked up his bag and came outside. After about an hour an a half we arrived in Zuma's driveway *beep beep* "come on Zuma were gona be late" I yell honking the car horn. "Alwight I'm hewe stop honking alweady" said Zuma "Ok your in the back this week" I reply with a smile.

Chase's POV:

Arriving at school we park and get out and lock the car. I say bye to Everest and Zuma as I go to rollcall. The bell rings for first period, as I look at my time table to see which room my first class was in I bumped into someone and she fell over. "Ow" "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" I apologized stretching my hand out to help her up "are you ok" "Yeah I'm fine" she said standing up. "Sorry again, I'm Chase, I haven't seen you before are you new here?" "Skye, and yes I am new" Skye replied. "Ok well see you around Skye" I say turning and stated to walk away to class. "Hey wait!, can you please show me where room P22 is" Skye questioned "Actually yeah that's where I'm going right now" was my reply. 

Periods 1and 2 went by quick. At lunch I was siting by myself like I did every day. This time thinking about the new girl 'man was she pretty' *smack* My thoughts were cut short as a ball hit my head as three boys walked my way. "well well well, if it isn't chase the loner" said one "Yeah hey Jaden, I know why he doesn't have any friends" said another "Ha, oh yeah whys that, Donta" snarled the Jaden "Because *snort* he *haha* chases them away" laughed the Donta one as they all started chuckling to each other with nasty, mean and rude comments. "Go away Glen, and take your goonies with ya" I snapped back "Or what ya gona cry, is little loner Chase gona cry like a baby" Glen snickered. "I said go away" I said through gritted teeth "Pfftt and what if I don't, hu wotcha gona do then" "Oi Glen why don't you just fuck off before you make a fool of your self!" someone yelled across the oval "Why don't you just make me, Marshall, *ring* saved by the bell" 

Marshalls POV: 

"What was all that about" asked Maverick "heh, just Glen being Glen I suppose", "Yeah fair enough, why's he such a jerk tho" questioned Maverick "Honestly no idea-" was all that came out before I tripped and fell down a flight of stairs landing in a puddle of mud at the bottom. "Shit you okay Marshall?" asked Maverick with worry evident in his voice "I'm ok, but my clothes aren't, there's no way I can wear this to class" "I have nothing next, I could take you home to get changed if you'd like" replied Maverick "Well I only have PE next so yeah lets go" I said and we left for the car until "Hey, Marshall stop" said Maverick out of the blue, so I say "What's up" "Can you hear crying" He replied. After listening for a bit I said "Yeah I can, it sounds like its coming from behind that tree" "Wonder who it is?" He asked "only one way to find out". As we walk over to and around the tree we found. "Aahh, Please don't hurt me" yelled a very scared but familiar voice. "Rocky? What happened and why are yo--" I said before being interrupted by Rocky still crying, hugged us like he would nether let go so we hugged him back. His wet clothes and tears started to make ours wet but he still didn't let us go and mumbling 'don't let them hurt me' "Hey, hey its ok we're here now no one can hurt you" Maverick spoke in the most calming voice he could. " Can we p-please g-go ho-ome" Rocky asked shivering "yeah we were just about to leave any way" was my reply. After an hour we pulled up out the front of our house and went inside.

A.N first part of my story complete feedback is welcome both positive and negative as it will only help me improve. Thank you for reading and see you in the next chapter


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