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Beautiful, but her beauty cracked at the edges.

Smart, but her intelligence began to waver.

Funny, but her jokes were just masks for her sorrow.

Sweet, but her kindness rubbed off.

I feel like Ally began to loose herself that day. She tried to find anything to rub away the pain. She walked down a street of broken promises and lost hopes. They crumbled in her fingertips, quickly turning to dust.

Because Ally was at a war with herself, and she wasn't sure who was winning.

She went through a series of pain killers which included






Nothing could numb the pain. Soon, the pain became unbearable. It breathed down her neck and followed her home. It was a constant reminder of me.

She wanted that one moment of infinity. That one moment when the pain washed away like rain.

And then she found it.

She found her help. Soon she no longer felt pain.

Sorry, let me rephrase that.

Soon, she felt nothing at all.

Shatter Me {complete}Where stories live. Discover now