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Help me. Help me. Her eyes scream to me. But I can't. Ally, I can't help you and you know I can't.

Her boyfriend tries to help her, but his attempts are just whispers in the dark. No one can help her. No one but me.

He says he loves her. He says he needs her to survive. He used to linger at her door, hoping she would come out smiling. Now, he leaves. He doesn't wait for her.

She watches him out her window.

Her hope is drying up like a tear in an oven. She knows she doesn't have much longer left.

But she has to save herself. She has to yell back at the monsters. She has to face her demons.

She's been running for too long.

She doesn't have much longer.

All I can do is hope the rope doesn't snap now.

Pain passes.

Death is perpetual.

Shatter Me {complete}Where stories live. Discover now