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When she closes her eyes, all she can see is the lost souls wandering among the pack of thousands. She's one of those lost souls.

The goodnight kisses from her boyfriend are distant. The phone calls are shorter. The dates are silent.

But he can't leave her. He knows that loosing him will be the last straw. He can see her grasping onto life. She's trying to find reasons to live.

Honestly, there aren't that many. He's the only one.

I watch her mind flash back to so many years prior. She remembers the day when we threw sand at each other and laughed until we couldn't breathe. She remembers how we sat underneath the big oak tree and promised to never leave each other. And she remembers how she saw my body, wrangled and twisted on the concrete.

They said it was a drive by shooting. But it doesn't add up. We live in a good neighbourhood. Nothing like that would happen here. They said that it was an accident. They said that I felt no pain. But what do they know. They've never experienced death.

And as I watch her from among the clouds, all I can do is hope.

Darling, you're better than this. Stick this through.

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