aight before i became totally inactive

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Here's the official hero look of Hotaru
Hero name: Darkness
Quirk: corrokinesis
Her quirk allows her to manipulate those who are hearts were tainted, her powers consists of many benefits but it lacks strength due to her heart being pure. This power becomes strong when its user has a dark soul and heart.

Burst: throwing black orbs on anyone and if she says the word burst the orb would explode and cause a giant explosion destroying the entire place.

Glitch: it doesn't sound likely relative to her quirk but she named it glitch since she could corrupt her own body and teleport it to somewhere else.

Mind control: she's able to mind control evil doers by staring deep into their eyes, she has to be close to them so she can activate her mind control. But it doesn't last long, it takes up to 30 minutes.

I'm to lazy to explain her entire quirk, but it has a lot of benefits and potential. I thought of giving her umbrakinesis but yeah corruption is better since... SHE'S THE TRAITOR AMONG U.A

SHEESH I'm such a spoiler XD

SHEESH I'm such a spoiler XD

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With the sleeveless coat

With the sleeveless coat

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Without the coat

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