Happy Ending

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I enjoy being alone


There will be no more greetings from you.

I will not be haunted by your shadow anymore.

I keep myself in silence,
trying to find myself, who I really was before I met you
and try to find the meaning of love, what is love really mean to me.

Please, please, please, I'm begging, don't you come back again.
Don't say 'Hi'. Just don't.
I might fall for it. I'm so fragile. Yet, still hoping for the same ending.

Don't come back when this person has already forgotten about you, even if it's little by little, bit by bit.

Because my poor little heart has made a vow to you that there would be no love expect you.

Please don't return, since this person has already been loved by someone who loves her more than you could ever love her.

Because my heart, my love, my trust, and my loyalty are no longer yours, but HIM.

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