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10 years past sence my dad killed my mom, and sence my dad cut the side of my mouth open, I was 17 now. It took 75 Stitch's to fix my mouth, it was a huge scare but, I learned to live with it. I was walking to school when a voice in my head was starting to hert. It seemed like my head was saying "Kill the bastered who did this to you." I denied it and started walking again to school. When I got there the doors were open, I walked in I looked at the time. "Fuck, I'm late for class!" I ran to my Russian language teachers class. I went in the door "Prostite, ya opozdaala" (sorry im late) I said to my teacher. "I pochemu vy opozdaala?" (And why were you late)He asked. I had to thank of a lie, "Chelovek ostanovil menya." (A man stopped me) I said. "Khorosho" (ok) he said. Oh thank goodness I thought and I went to sit down. When class ended I went to my German class, math already ended cause I was late but that didn't bother me I never really liked math any way. When i was walking to my class I got stopped by a bully name cole, he bullyed me on a dayly bases. "What do you want Cole, I really don't have time for you I was already late for my Russian language class, I don't want to miss my German class." I said "You and your languages what's the point of it?!" He said "I'm going to laugh when a cute new girl comes to the school and she only speaks Russian and you like her and she can't understand you ima laugh." I said "That would never happen." He said. I looked at the time "As I said I don't have time for this." I said as I ran down the hall, "You mad out of line!" He called to me. "Thanks!" I called back. I then got to my German class.

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