Interview #10 | @SEKTORV

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27th October 2021

Author - SEKTORV

Hi. Please tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to know about Wattpad.

Honestly, I had never heard of Watttpad. When I started my sci-fi trilogy after a family trip to Nevada, I decided to start writing and for the next four years, I was in my own world at night (after full-time work as a scientist). I was hell bent on finishing the story, without worrying about online posting or publishing. Once I was finally done writing (and first round of editing) I did a search and found WP. Within a month, I started serial posting a few chapters at a time. Within a year the entire, Sektor V Trilogy was online. I really enjoyed the weekly feedback I received. WP is a nice community.



What is something only a few people know about you?

I'm a pretty good field goal kicker (American football). My longest kick back in the day was 55 yards. Not bad for a non-professional. My dad is a first generation immigrant from italy, so I was playing soccer at age 4. Soccer and placekicking go hand-in-hand, lol.


What made you want to become a writer?

I have a PhD in the Physical Science, so for a living I write. It's non-fiction of course, but I have been writing my whole professional life. That said my imagination might be stronger than my logical side. As such I always knew I'd write sci-fi. Several years ago, I decided to jump in and do it. Once I started, the floodgates opened wide.


If you were able to publish your stories now, in a few months, what would you do with your royalties?

The money I may end up getting from writing isn't very important to me. Now the resulting freedom from financial independence would be the real joy. Being able to write fiction as a full-time job is my ultimate professional goal. And someday (maybe not too far from today!) I believe I'll get there.


What does your typical day look like?

I am a research scientist, so my day includes investigating the mysteries Mother Nature throws at us, and if she permits trying to crack some of Her mysteries. Of course, all of that takes a lot more than a day and a team to tackle it all. Truth be known, what we start looking for ends up not being what we find. But that's research and I love it.

I also have real world stuff that's less fun, including writing proposals to keep my research team fed and our field work on track. But I've gotten pretty good at that part and know our people rely on me being successful, so I embrace it. I truly like and appreciate the work I do, which makes me a lucky human being. :)


What is your writing style?

I like setting the scene with fast action and purposeful chaos right out of the gate. Get people hooked and confused... at least inially! I am also a believer in
"heavy on the sci and low on the fi".
I guess my traditional scientific training comes into play here. My favorite writer is Isaac Asimov, and I suppose some of my work tries to follow his style. He was a legend, of course, so I am not comparing my work to his. No one can, in my opinion. I have been told more than once that my style is close to that of Sam Delaney. That said, I haven't read much of his work, so I really couldn't say, either way.

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