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"Do you think you're ready to get behind the wheel?" I ask. "No way," He gulps, "I can't!" "Miguel, we've been doing different agilities for weeks now. I think you're ready to start driving." "Brielle, what if I crash? What if I hit something? What if-" "Hey," I placed my hands on his shoulders, "Stop thinking for once, okay? Just take a deep breath, and get in the car. I promise you won't do any of that." "Are you sure?" "100%." I assured him. He paused for a second contemplating, "Okay." "Yeah?" "Yeah." He then hopped in the passenger seat. I quickly made my way to the driver's, "To help ease your mind, we aren't going to start on a main road or anything." "Where are we going then?" "You'll see." I smirked as I turned the engine on, and put the car in drive.

"No way!" He said in disbelief as he took a look at where we're at. "Way." "How did you even find this place?" He asked. "My cousin and I learned how to drive on this track last summer." I smiled at the sweet memory. "Wait, last summer? Isn't your cousin an adult?" "Right," I panicked, "I meant my other cousin. We all came here to visit and yeah, that's when I learned." "Oh, cool! I wish I could say I have memories like that with my cousins or something, but I don't." He frowns. "Oh? Why's that?" I asked, as we pulled into the track.

"Well, I don't really know my dad; so my mom's kept me away from his side of the family. As for my mom's side, it's rare I ever see them. They're all still in Ecuador." He explained. "Does she have any siblings?" I asked. "Nope." He answered. I instantly felt sympathy for him, "Well, you have me now. We can make those memories together." He smiled at me, "I'd like that." "Good," I put the car in park, "Because it's time to get your ass in this driver seat." We then swapped places in the car. I made sure he had noted the first few things you check and do before driving, all in which he executed perfectly.

He inhaled a deep breath, "I think I'm ready." "You are ready, Miguel." I assured. He nodded his head as he slow applied pressure on the gas pedal. I then took it upon myself to play some music, to help ease the tenseness he had in his body. "Get into the music, Miguel!" I beamed. "I'm focusing on the road." He emotionlessly stated. "That is a good thing to do. However, you can let loose just a bit." "Brielle, this is my first time driving a real car! I just want to focus." His eyes were completely locked on the road. His back was completely straight, not even touching the seat, as his arms were stiff as a board. Just like the rest of his body. "Fine," I caved, "Today we'll do it your way." I turned the music down, and sat back. I just watched Miguel drive, and make comments only if I had to.

We practiced for a bit. Doing turns, reversing, and just getting to learn what all of the buttons do. After the track, we went to McDonald's to grab something quick to eat before I had to go back to my aunt's. I promised her I'd help her clean out her attic since my jerk of a cousin won't. When we went to get food, we just went through the drive-thru, since I didn't really have time to sit and eat. The drive from McDonald's wasn't too far from Miguel's, so we arrived at the complex fairly quickly.

"See you tomorrow at school." I farewelled. "Yeah," He exited the car, "See you." He then closed the door behind him and started walking away. I then put my car in drive when all of a sudden, I heard knocking on my passenger window. Confused, I rolled it down, "Yes?" "Thank you for the lesson, I can't wait for the next one." Miguel uttered. I smiled, "Of course!" "Also, I'm sorry I was acting pissy earlier. I've just been stressing a bit." He admitted. "I forgive you, but is everything okay?" I asked. "Hey, Diaz!" A man's voice suddenly boomed. I looked past Miguel to see Johnny Lawrence at the entrance. "Yeah, sensai?" "I need to talk with you, now." "Okay." Miguel answered.

He then turned back to me, "Yeah, yeah, everything's fine. I'll tell you later, okay? I've got to go, as do you." "Yeah, right, yeah," I had almost completely forgotten about my aunt needing me, "Um, call me?" "Will do." He answered. "Diaz! Stop flirting and get your ass over here!" Johnny demand. "Bye." "Bye." Miguel then made him way to Johnny, and as they entered the complex I drove off.

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