Maize Maze

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I have just got back from a birthday party, during which I went to the maize maze. The corn was all dead and it was really hot but it was still fun.

We were in pairs, and we had to go around the maze and find and answer all the questions. I was with @Cmac1909 and we did quite well, especially when it came to jump scares! >:)

@HRKOsgood, Mina and Jacqui were guarding one of the foot bridges, and throwing hard corn kernels at anyone who tried to get past. So, I told Cmac to hide, and I quietly grabbed some corn cobs off the plants. I snuck up to the girls on the foot bridge, and threw the corncobs at them. The first one hit the wood by their heads, and corn kernels exploded everywhere and they started screaming, but we were still hidden so they didn't know it was us. Then I threw the other corn cob and it hit Jacqui. They started grabbing handfuls of corn kernels, but we ran away laughing before they could get us.

At one point, Caitlin and I decided to cut through the corn ( everyone else was doing it, so oh well), but we ended up in the Horror Maze, which is right next door. We found several fake dead bodies( they were so realistic though!) with trapdoors on them- they spring up at night time we you can't see them- and several other really creepy things. That is NOT a place I want to get lost in again, especially in the dark!

The party was fairy/ princess theme, and the maze was won by @BudgieLover845 and @Jily_Forever2910 who were an epic team


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