I'm scared and fed up

36 8 10

Lately, I have been wearing sunglasses pretty much 24/7 , because my eyes have been really sensitive to light (also because I'm a bit worried about getting migraines) but I've also had a whole bunch of other stuff wrong with me. I've been to the doctor and he says it's blocked sinuses, but that was nearly two weeks ago and it hasn't gotten any better so I don't think so. I'm really scared because I don't know what it is or if it's serious like something like cancer or something I will need surgery for. I could go back for blood tests but I hate needles. These are my symptoms:

-At the start I had a cold, with sore throat and blocked nose etc.(but could be nothing to do with it)       -Occasional feelings of being disconnected-like my mind and body are separate in a way.                           -Headaches- just normal ones, not migraines(occasionally)                                                                                        - It's hard to do basic things- like find the right words to say, multi-task, i'm easily confused, how to spell things, typing, short term memory loss, and other stuff                                                                                      -Other than music, I have to focus on sounds to 'properly' hear them, or else it sounds like when you're half asleep and can still hear people talking                                                                                                          - 'Auto-correct'- when your brain sees something it doesn't think is right - like l repeated words, it edits hem out, and you have to take a second look to see the error that your brain 'auto-corrected' out. I've been having my brain 'auto correct'things it shouldn't                                                                                 - Fuzzy eyes in the dark- more than normal

-Blurry or pixlated vision

I have googled it and lots of other people have had for ages and don't know wht it is. Please help!


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