The Introduction

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"Let's see... Knick Knacks, Merchandise, Refreshments." Piper wanted to stop by the Starr Shop before she made her commute back to her townhouse. She figured it would be quicker to buy something inside Starr Park's tiny store than to deal with the rush hour hustle-and-bustle of a city store. And she had just finished adorning her scalp with a pristine blue hair clip to hold back massive bangs. No need to ruin that with crowded grocery store traffic.

Though as she moved from aisle to aisle she couldn't shake this feeling that something was watching her. It was that violating presence you got when you would walk down a foreign street. Like you didn't belong here. She would often look over her shoulders expecting to see someone behind her. But after she got past her thick yellow locks, she would only find her paranoia staring back.

Perhaps it was just her imagination, besides. "Ah, ammunition!" Piper looked down the giant aisle with an assortment of different bullets and projectiles with awe. Griff knows what the people want. The massive rounds she equipped into her umbrella were sitting under a section labeled Snappy Sniping.

As Piper reached up to retrieve a pack, she heard the tiniest cackle from behind her. "Eee-hee-hee." Piper felt the hairs on her neck stand on end. She snapped around to find the source but again was met with dust particles. She knew she didn't imagine that and she refused to stay here any longer.

Piper quickly concluded her shopping, lifting her massive dress so she could optimally rush from item to item. She blew a sigh of relief when she was able to get to the counter without any further close calls. Her smooth hands smashed on the golden bell, "Griff? Griff?! I'm ready to check out!"

Piper looked back and forth hoping to see the walking cash register stroll from one of the side rooms. Instead, a white tuff of hair peeked from the countertop. A giddy squeal slowly left her mouth as the Starr Shop cashier rose from below.

Piper's heart dropped when she saw the jagged smile her spiked teeth presented. The mischievous glare in the girl's eye, while not sinister, felt unnaturally chaotic. Piper tried her best to act professionally, "Hi, Colette." The girl gave back an uncomfortable wheeze in response. "Great..." Piper carefully placed her items on the counter. Colette didn't take her gaze off the southern belle.

Her heavy breathing made this awkward situation drastically uncomfortable. It took all of Piper's strength not to walk out. "So... if you could just... scan these I'll be on my way."

With a creepy whine, Colette slowly retrieved each item. Sustaining an unhealthy amount of eye contact the entire time. Piper was in a nervous sweat, unable to look away from the overly passionate employee. 'I thought she'd be satisfied with that grenade pin I dropped last week. Why is she still so creepy?'

Piper was relieved when Colette carefully passed her bags. She still reframed from speaking, only staring into Piper's mind. Again the older woman tried to break the tension, "Have a nice day, love."

Colette gasped at the classic phrase Piper would use in all her performances. The southern belle sauntered towards the sliding glass doors. Colette merrily called, "Have a nice day!"

Hoping to save face Piper turned around and waved at the girl. However, she had suddenly disappeared from her station behind the counter. Piper's jaw went slack. She looked to her right deeper into the store but she didn't see the girl. Perhaps she disappeared behind the counter again.

"Come back soon!" a voice screamed beside Piper.

Colette had somehow jumped beside the door without Piper noticing. The blonde lass let out a nervous chuckle as she slipped out the exit. Again, she had to thank the powers above that she was able to get away without a hitch. Interacting with Colette could easily devolve into fighting her off with a stick. Her fanatic frenzies were akin to rabid animal attacks. She pushed a hanging bang out of her vision. At least she didn't have to worry about besmirching her pristine image.

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