A/N: The Send-Off

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Hey, you made it to the last Author's Note. Nice. Well, let me say thank you for reading. I hope you left some comments along the way. There's nothing I love more than seeing what parts you enjoyed and which turned you off. It helps me improve my writing. So if you loved a section, comment there and tell me. If you hated a section, comment there and tell me.

I want to write stories that captivate audiences all across this fandom. While it is a bit embarrassing, one of the first fanfictions I ever read was for a fandom that I'm (20%?) sure is dead. This story spanned roughly 5 years of writing and was nearly a million words long but I followed along for most of that journey. And the author got so popular that he was contacted by a group of fans that had created a news network for the fandom. They interviewed him and he got the chance to not only divulge his writing tricks but also thank the millions of people that read his story.

Maybe someday our little mobile game can get so popular that we can have our own news website. Wishful thinking. But I would love to become so popular within the fandom that people will say, "You know that writer Sammy_Scripts? He's a pretty cool dude."

A guy can dream.

ANYWAY Shameless plug time! Go give my other stories a try:

Ranto Academy - Penny is heading to a Brawler exclusive school. And her friend group is about to get turned upside down.
Fighter's Story - A epic tale about Shelly's quest to be at the top of the Brawl Stars mountain. (I'm ashamed at the num of OC's but I promise they don't steal the thunder.) (At the time of posting this... still a WIP.)
We're Keeping Her - Watty's 2021 nominee - One simple mistake cause a culture war between the two most powerful factions in Brawl Stars.
8-Bit's Inside Story - 8-Bit has an all too familiar bug. But the way they'll get rid of it this time is way cooler than you think. (At the time of posting this... still a WIP.)

Okay, now that's that done let's plug the girl who drew that awesome cover!

An awesome artist and a (currently missing) writer. She's got a few stories for you to enjoy but you'll have to check her socials if you wanna see her art.

My personal fav of her works is a WIP called Dad-ryll. Not bias at all because my girl Penny is a featured character within this story.

Anyway that's gonna do it for the Send-Off. Thanks again for reading and I'll see you next time in another one of...

Sammy's Silly Scripts.

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