Chapter One

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Dream - He/They (They,Them preferred)
George - He/Him
Sapnap - GenderFluid (He/Him preferred)
Dream POV
I told him. I looked him in the eyes and shakily grabbed his shoulders and let out a sigh. "Please, please don't touch the book." He scoffed, rolling his eyes. "I know, i'm not some kid," My eyes darted around his face. The light glow of my candle illuminated his face softly. "Even adults make careless mistakes" I whispered, my tone sorrowfully echoing throughout the small room.

My hands lifted off of his shoulders and I turned around giving one last warning before I opened the wooden door. "Remember what happened to them." My hands slid around the cold metal handle and my footsteps were to echo through the hallway as I tramped down it.

George POV
I rolled my eyes once more as I watched them leave. 'I know what happened, I don't need to remember it' I thought. My eyes caught on to a pure white book that rested on my bare wooden nightstand. As if I were being dragged across my plush floor my feet wandered over to the book. My fingers felt magnetized, being pulled closer and closer to the white object.

'Please.' A voice echoed through my head.My fingers delicately dancing across the cover. I couldn't help but smirk. 'See, nothing happened.' I leaned onto my bed, sitting down softly, hearing the bed slightly creak. I opened the book and began to read. Words upon words, over and over. The words looked as if they had been hastily scribbled down. The words continued page after page, "HELP, HELP, HELP, GET HIM OUT, GET HIM OUT." My eyes felt heavy as my head pulled down to my pillow.

My eyes closed as I let out a small cough. The book fell from my arms and the last thing my eyes grasped was a small leaf sprouting from the book. 'I'm still right,' I thought to myself as black hurriedly clouded my vision. A cough once more. This time my vision was to flash red, white, black, red, white, black over and over. Although I knew my words were useless as no one was to hear them. I whispered out into the darkness, "They always loved ivy,"

Dream POV
I was long away from his house by now, wallowing through the thick falling snow. My gut begged and twisted, wanting me to turn back, as if something had gone terribly wrong. I stopped in my tracks letting someone on a bike zoom past me. The cold air hitting my neck with a slight delay. I was to let out a small huff, the breath in front of me turning white due to the cold.I stood in front of my house now. About two and a half blocks away from where I first stood, warning him. 'The book.' I thought.

I remembered that night very well, as if it happened only hours before. We had been exploring Sapnap's old shelf full of looked upon books. That was when he pointed out a book white as the fresh snow in which I stood. From that first moment as his fingers slid across the cover. My gut started to twist and turn. At the time I had ignored it. A fool's choice.

Just moments after his fingers slid through the pages to open up the book. Chrysanthemums violently sprouted out of the pages multiplying by the mili-second. In what seemed like a flash Sapnap was down. Their head rested on the floor and the book opened, his hands cradling it softly. From his position it would seem as if he was asleep.

As George was to shake his head from shock and lean down. He placed his hand on Sapnap's neck. His eyes slightly widening. Then he'd quickly changed his hand position a couple times before touching the males wrist and palm. I remember I couldn't move at that moment. My vision seemed to shake as I saw my friend on the floor that night. It felt as if I was drowning. Water and fear was filling up my throat.

I remember George once more. 'Please' I cried, not able to voice my plea. I tilted my head up to look at my house before looking back in the direction in which I first came. I look back and forth a couple more times before letting out a sigh. My footsteps were crunching as I went back to my friend's house.

A couple blocks later there I stood George's spare house key in hand. I hesitated, not wanting to open the door. My gut still pushed on, as my hand was dragged along. Inserting the key and turning in a couple times before my ability to open the door unfolded.

"George!" I called. My calls once again echoing through the bare corridor. My stomach twisted more and more as my footsteps became faster and faster turning into a sprint. I stop at his door, slightly panting. I throw open the door and fear flows through me. There he lay, the book clutched in his hand softly, no rising of the chest and no warm sarcastic greeting. My vision seemed to blur this time, although I could still make out the limp figure in front of me.

I raised my hand to my cheek feeling a dab of wetness start to fall. The water. The fear clogged my throat leaving me unable to make any sound. I just stood there silently sobbing over something I had not tried hard enough to stop. My eyes unblurred and I caught a glimpse of what I had neglected to notice before. George's room had been covered to the brim with stacks upon stacks of ivy. The walls, the floors and even, himself. I finally let out a small gasp stumbling back. I look around to realize the ivy still growing, the leaves and vines starting to curl up my shoes. I let out one more sob, inhaling sharply. "Please."
Hello! This story is currently a oneshot but if you guys want too I will continue to make it a book :)

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