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Have you ever felt like you are floating? Mid-air? Nothing else exists just you and yourself? All my pains gone. I want it to stay that way. Forever. I never truly looked onto my life. Life is a climb. Ha that's a song.

Brightness shone through my eyes. I was back into shitty real life. My chest no longer hurt, my vision was messy. I attempted to sit up but to no avail.

Looking up and around I saw the same crummy basement that I have been placed in. But something was missing. Harry.

My dazed confusion had me focus on the corner. Nothing was there. Where's Harry?

"Harry?" I croaked. My eyes widened at the fact that Mike and John might have token him. No, please! I struggled violently to get to my feet. I whip smacked me back. I looked behind me to see who whipped me to my feet. No one. I raise my hand slowly to my throbbing back to see blood? What the fuck?

I shook it off. All I need is Harry.

The door opened swiftly, as I lay crumbled next to the bed.

Mike casually walked down. I smiled hoping to see Harry too. But no. He was no where. He turned his slightly and me and frowned.

"Whe-re-s Harry? Y-yooo-u bastard," I spat gathering up air, as it hurt to gather anything.

"He left." Mike stated simply. I cracked. I broke. Harry left me? Why? He promised. My mine flew all these things. Justin said-Harry said.

But then again, I was done for. Nothing else in the world could compare to the sadness and dread I was feeling at that moment. Time froze, I wanted to die. Kill me brutally; I don't care anybody fucking cares.

"No, he promised," I whimpered refusing to believe it. I didn't even know him. Yet, I felt so attached and used. Did he use me? Was it fake? Fresh tears quickly poured out of my eyes. Done, the one thing that describes me.

"Oh, well the ransom got paid and as soon as I told him, he scurried right on out of here, not even looking back for you slut." He stated without a single emotion. To this day I have never understood how one could be so cold and cruel.

"You're lying!" I scream from lying down with my vision blurry, I sniff lightly and look into his lifeless eyes.

"But its true cunt," he laughed. I died inside, not fighting anything at all.

"Oh." I whispered and placed my head lightly on the cement floor. Looking down at his t shirt that stuck to my chest that was mopped with blood and other contents that I didn't even try to look at it. I mean it doesn't matter. I am a worthless bitch that is completely usable.

"Yupp, so let's go to your next session."

I nodded lightly compiling. I mean I mise as well make someone happy, it's the least I can do. For the next few months I lived though two things.





Haha so what did Harry do? Why'd he leave abby to be raped and abused? Does he not have a soul?

Poor Abby. :'(

Next chapter I need

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-Jaxy Cxx


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