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Abby's P.O.V.

Walking through the doors to my home in Wisconsin, I see my mom.

Smiling, I walk up to her without hesitation.

"Hey mom!" I say, while lightly tapping on her shoulder.

She didn't turn around, instead fell to her knees crying in hysterics. Her disheveled dark hair curling since I was only behind her. Immediately concerned, I sprinted around her and kneeled in front of her hoping she would know it is okay. I noticed she was wearing a shirt that said, Abby Power Charity.

What is that?

"Mom?" I whispered more desperately into  her ear. Still sobbing, I shivered, not liking to see her like this.

"Karen?" I heard my dad yell from the staircase that spiraled off to the left. I looked up to see our house changed. The living room a dark brown with grey couches. Did this all change?

"I cannot take it Will!" my mom screamed murderously.

Wincing at the tone, she would use that tone on me when I was little. I hated it. Confused. Still not knowing why my mom is in this dysfunctional.

"I know Kar, but you need to be strong. Abby's watching over us now. Okay? God is with her." my dad whispered.

Am I dead? Was I not just in the basement with Mike moments ago?

If I am dead, why do I see my parents? Shouldn't I be somewhere else? Yes? No?

I wave my hands trying to get them to notice me.

"Hey!" I scream.


"Mom! Dad! I am right here!''

Nothing. Frustrated, I sit down and look around. The scene unfolding before me, my mom and dad crying, it truly broke my heart. Where was Jake and Colton? I looked around the room and headed upstairs and into Jake's room. The ten year old had always been messy.. and annoying. Superman and batman posters hang loosely on his walls. Clothing scattered across his double bed that sat in the corner, and across the floor. Jake sat in the corner with his knees up to his chest.

The site, truly made me want to break down. I walked over to him, kneeling right before him, subconsioncely knowing he cannot see me. But, I still wanted to comfort him. 

They think I am dead?

Bringing my hand down a swooped his light brown hair out of his bright brown eyes. But, alas, I wasn't able to. He sniffed and looked dead at me. It startled me for a moment, but then soon realized the fresh tears flying down his freckled face. 

"Hey man," Colton walked into the room. Startled I turned around to face my 15 year old brother, who looked like he had just been through a hurricane. His almost black hair that normally bounced with curls laid flat and matted. His blue eyes, just like my dad's. Normally as blue as the ocean were dark and hollow. Sorrow filled his face as you could see the bags forming under his eyes.

That's it. I started to cry. This is all because of me, they are crying because of me, me being dead. But I don't think I am... AM I?

"Colton? Is Abby really gone?" Jake whispered lightly. Sobbing and still shaking in the corner. It angered me that my parents were not even acknowledging the boys.

"She has been gone for three months. It will be okay." Colton says reassuringly.

Three months? Why are they still so sad then? I haven't been dead three months... have I?

Kidnapped: A Harry Styles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now