Chapter 3

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Ahhhh! What a nice sleep I had. Is there anything more relaxing than going to bed again after fajr? I think not.  Oh my sweet fluffy soft blanket, it is so cosy and relax- "Api utho! [wake up]" yeah until your sister barges in. "Khansa is asleep, go away!" I said, Tugging myself inside my blanket more comfortably.

She snatched my blanket from me, leaving me cold and oh-so angry. "Kia masla ha tumhara saat?" [what is wrong with you?] I demanded. "Api aj Pakistan ka match ha na?" [it's Pakistan's match today, innit?] seriously she just wanted to ask that. "YES!!!" I answered, throwing myself on my bed again. "Oh thk ha so jao ab!" [oh good you can sleep now]


she left the room but not before turning the light Blub on, SO I'D HAVE TO GET UP AND TURN IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!

"HAMNA!!!!!!!" I yelled. Great just what you need to start your day. I wrapped myself in my blanket and walked out of the room. "Khansa ap uth gai?" [oh you're awake?] hamna countered, mischievously.
"No I'm a ghost walking around," I said, sarcastically
"You ain't no different from a ghost!!" she mumbled.

Abeera's pov:
Hmm.....what time is it? It's just......7:30......wait what 7: 30 ......I had school today, how did I get so late.......
I got off my bed and ran to my closet where I'd my uniform hung. In five minutes, I got ready. Uniform, shoes, socks, I was just doing my hair when my mother came in. "Abeera Kia kr rhi ho tum?" [what are you doing?]
"Getting ready" I replied. "Aj ap ki chuti ni thi?" [wasn't it your day-off today?] then it hit me, it was my day off. Huhhhhhh! This cannot be happening AGAIN!

Hifza's pov:
"Hifza beta get up now!"
"Mama g sona dein na!" [mama please let me sleep]
"Beta ab ap Kia Apni sari chitiyaan bed pr guzar do gi!?" [do you plan to spend your vacation on our bed]
"I might even mama"
"Hifzaaaaaaaa!!" aani api barged in with a phone in her hand. "What?"
"Your friend!" she handed me the phone and ohhh it's Amna

Amna's pov:
"Kia haal hain, madam!?" [how are you?]
"Bas yrrr wohi haal hain!" [just the same!] she replied
"Oh ho then let me spice up your mood, result pata ha kab ha? [do you know when the result is?]
"Ni kab?...." [no when?] she asked, shockingly.
"The first of next month" I said.
"Na kr" [don't say that]
"Yhi news ha behn" [this is the news]
"Dun dun duhhhhhhh!!" she meant dramatically.

Let's say it's been a whole month and today is the result day
Hadia's pov:
Today is my final result, ooooh I feel the pounding of my heart.
"Hadiya!!" I heard my father say, a bit louder than he normally does. Allah Allah KHAIR kr
"G....b....baba" I shuttered. "Your result!" he came forth. His expression said critical, but his eyes gave me hope. " is it?"
"You got 1089 from 1100"
I couldn't believe my ears, I got 1089 I can't believe it. Alhumdulilah alhamdulilah, alhumdulilah.
Ayesha's pov:
I went to get my result with my father, where I found Bisma and hifza, also waiting eagerly for their results. "Dar lag haha?" [are you scared?] I asked. hifza answered "hain bilkul Bhut Zaida!" [yes too much] while Bisma nodded in response.
Now the moment of truth, our result cards/papers that were sealed in an envelope came into our hands.
The three of us opened our envelope at the same time.
"AHahhahh!!!!" all three of us squealed, forgetting the presence of other people around us. We started hugging and shouting and squealing until our parents came forth us to ask us what had happened?
I got 1087 meanwhile hifza got 1088 and Bisma got 1085. [Allah hmein really kamyab kara]

Khansa's pov:
I heard some girls squealing, as I was at the opposite side of the hall, I didn't who those was but when I realised that they were but in fact my dear old friends, I also joined them in their ' succession '. I for one had no idea what I had gotten, my mother was getting the envelope for me as I was busy congratulating the girls on their success, I hope I also get as good as them. "Khansa!" I felt a gentle pat and saw my mother gleaming at me, my scepticism was ameliorated a little. She took me to a hug and whispered in my ears that I had gotten 1086 from the total 1100.
We also got to see abeera and Khadija's envelope to tell them as they couldn't make it. "Abeera you got 1087 and Khadija got 1086. Mashallah" I told abeera through my phone.

Khizran's pov:
Of course, I felt scared as I walked into the hallway. As I walked in I noticed the people coming out. They were coming out either with joyed pleased faces or with frowns that reached the ground. Inside I saw Asma talking with Amna, I greeted them both and learned both of them got 1086. After a while I found my own envelope in which was written- oh My Allah I got 1089......I can't believe what I'm seeing....this is so great

A dua'a for the students who are going to take the next year board examination

Ya Allah, grant success to the students of this nation, for they are the tomorrow of today, the eyes of the oppressed, the dua'a of the needy. Ameen
Ya Rehman! Us, your humbled servants only live for the sake of your deen, you don't need us, but we can't raise a single finger without your blessing. Ya Ilahi! We live for our milat, my Rabb! Don't let the call to prayer be silenced
Ya Rahim! Don't let our sebz hilal [flag: green crescent] came down from the clear sky
Ya haqim! Don't let our mosques be left empty
Ya Allah! Make us proper in our prayers and regular with the recitation of the Quran, Ya Malik! MAKE US A FOLLOWER OF YOUR BELOVED PROPHET MUHAMMAD (Sallallahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam)
We know that Thanks to the faith that gives us strength......and to our conscience that makes us honest......and to our prayer that makes us perpetual......we shall always be victorious (insha Allah)

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