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Olivia Louise Cherith, a 19 year old girl who has been through just about everything you can think of.

Her father, John. he's an addict, he was somewhat present in her life up until she was around 15 years old. 2-14 years of her life she would see him every other weekend, they were really close around the 11th year of her life. She spent most of her summer break over there. She was the biggest daddy's girl you could think of, she loved him dearly. Always stuck up for him even when her own mother would.

Her mother, Tara. A single mother who's done everything she could for her kids. Working her ass off doing whatever she needed to do, until she met Donnie. Olivia didn't recognize how much she's done until she got older. Olivia and her mother wasn't close most of her life up until now, but now her moms her best friend.

Her step father, Donnie. They moved in with Donnie when Olivia was only 3 years old. Now Donnie.. he was different. He was mean, verbally and mentally abusive towards mom and the kids even. The first 8 years of living with Donnie they have moved out and back in about 4 or 5 times. They lived with donnie until Olivia was around 13 years old. Donnie has done a lot for all of them though, helped mom get a better job. Mom and Donnie even made their own company. Even though he didn't have any kids of his own he did his best with Olivia and John and with them not having an everyday father Donnie was the closest to one they had. It wasn't always dark, he did teach them right and wrong. He filled the role but he could of done better. He passed away in 2018 due to a heart aneurism. 

Her brother, John. Man, was he a character. He was a video game geek, growing up Olivia and her brother hardly fought. But, when they did fight. They fought bad. They weren't really that close mostly up until they got older, their drinking buddies now.

Her boyfriend, Dylan. He was a bum to say the least. He treated Olivia like garbage. Olivia helped Dylan get clean off of meth three times, in her own bed. She was only 15 years old, and that was after he's cheated on her and left her for other girls. He uses his meth addiction and him having to grow up fast for an excuse to treat Olivia like trash cause he never got to have a childhood. He's beaten Olivia, he's made Olivia forget who she even was. Dylan moved in with Olivia and her family when Olivia was only 15 years old.

Olivia has developed crippling anxiety, body dysmorphia, bipolar disorder, dissociative identity disorder, and severe depression.

That, is a background on Olivia Louise Cherith's life.

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