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JJ came marching in the door and engulfed me in a hug, "Are you okay? Where is he?" Pope and John b came in after him. I shrugged, "I guess in my room.." JJ was already half way there.

"Not the pouges, Olivia.." I snapped my head over to Rafe, "Not you acting like a bitch.." I laughed and rolled my eyes then crossed my arms. "Get over it Rafe, and they're staying tonight too, so either leave or deal with it. I would rather you leave though." I smirked, then so did he and proceeded to walk up on me, inches away "Nah princess, we both know you love it when I come over." I laughed, "HA, yeah whatever helps you sleep at night." We was just both staring at each other like a staring contest, then-

"OLIVIA!" I automatically started running towards the scream, JJ was sitting on Dylan and the rest of the boys were just standing next to the wall. "What the fuck are y'all doin?" JJ shrugged, "he didn't wanna listen." I put my hand on my forehead and let out a sigh, "yeah.. kinda why I called you over. Not to SIT on him." The others started laughing and I sent them a glare, they didn't make any noise sense. "Dylan!" I yelled, I heard a groan then "yeah?" I shook my head, "you need to go, now. I'm not kidding."

I walked back out to the living room and sat on the couch then shortly I seen Dylan walking out with bags of his stuff, "are you sure-" I scoff, "YES DYLAN IM SURE THIS IS WHAT I WANT! Please just fucking go oh my god." He's held me back from so much already I don't want him holding me back from my entire life. He started walking up to me then I heard Rafe, "you heard her man, go." Dylan just looked at Rafe, "she's a big girl, she can talk for herself." Rafe nodded, "she's tried, for years and you just don't wanna listen. Go man, before shit gets messy." Rafe could easily flick this man into oblivion. "Let's not" I stand in between them pushing Rafes chest to back him up. 'Damn' I thought to myself, now is not the fucking time Olivia stop.

"You good?" I snap out of my thoughts and look over at Rafe, and nod my head then go to look at Dylan and he's walking out the door. "Let's get shitfaceddddd!" JJ sung as he was walking to the kitchen. I looked over at them, and smile. I go to walk over there, Rafe then softly grab my wrist. "Be careful.. with them." I chuckled, and got closer to him "I'll be so careful" and I snatched my wrist out of his grasp.

After sitting in the kitchen and doing some shots, I feel hands pick me up. "AHHH Olivia, I missed you so much." It was JJ, "I missed you too, doofus." While he was carrying me he took me to the living room, "let's dance" he slurred. I just giggled, "yes sir!" I saluted, we started slow dancing to 'So High by Doja Cat' "OH WAIT LOOK!" I yelled and turned the lights to a pink color, JJ looked stunned, "HELL YEAH!" I laughed while he grabbed me. He had his hands on my waist so I turned around and started swaying my hips then he proceeded to move his hands down. As I'm swaying I look over towards the kitchen table and I see Rafe sitting there staring, we lock eyes and I feel like I can't look away from him, like I'm stuck in some sort of trance.

Then all the sudden I'm turned in a circle, "woah JJ what was that?" He smiled, "a smooth move I like to call 'the twist' like it?" I laughed, "it's cute JJ" he nodded, "a lot like you, huh?" I didn't know what to say, or do.. I didn't know. He started leaning in then I felt a tug on my other wrist making me twist to them and it was Rafe. "Hey princess.." I heard JJ sigh, "really man?" Rafe looked over at him and shrugged, "the twist involves getting the girl stolen, so.. go find another." I roll my eyes, "cmon Rafe.." he looked back down at me, took my arms and put them around his shoulders as he put his own hands on my sides, "what's wrong?" He asks pulling me closer.

The way I want this man to devour me is very unhealthy right now, "you're being very annoying" I stated, "aww poor baby, I can even be more annoying if you'd like" I go to speak, he gets close to my ear "shhh, don't talk." He takes one hand and puts it down on the lower part of my back making me come closer then he uses his other hand and pulls my head in his chest, "cmere baby.." I lay my head down on his chest. "Why?" I asked, "cause I know you're not okay right now, and you don't need to be mackin on JJ to distract you from that." I roll my eyes, "I'll mack on whoever I want to, whenever I want. That's not your place to get me out of a situation like that." I felt him shrug.

"So do it" he told me, I looked up at him then at his lips, back at his eyes. "W-what?" He smirked, "you're not macking on who you want to right now.." saying what I'm basically thinking but of course I decline, "you're actually delirious, Rafe." I go to walk away again but he comes forward stepping in front of me. "Yeah?" He takes a step forward as I take another step back, "why do you throw me them pretty little 'fuck me' eyes then sweetheart?" He takes another step forward as I take another one back as my back hits the wall he comes closer, "why does you're breath always pick up around me? Why do you always squeeze those pretty thighs together? Huh?"

I'm at lost for words.. I don't know what to do, there was always something about him that made me want him but I'd never let him know that.

"Again, Rafe.. You're absolutely delirious." He takes his hand and traces his finger down my arm, feeling the burn of his touch is making it very hard for me to even think. I watch his finger, then he takes his other hand and softly grabs my jaw and makes me look at him, "just let it happen angel.. quit fighting it." My eyes locked onto his, I look down at his lips then back at his eyes. He smirks, "so what're you waiting for.." I say.

As soon as those words left my mouth he picked me up and pushed me back onto the wall, "oh baby.. I'm definitely gonna ruin you." He chuckles, "so do it.. quit talking about it and actually do it." He then smashed his lips onto mine and I moaned into the kiss, his lips fit perfectly with mine. I felt like I was gonna die, only him kissing me had this effect on me.. who knows what else this man could do. He slowly put me down and while he was he grabbed my ass in the process and I whined at the touch, he pulled away from the kiss "see? I haven't even touched you and you're already fucking whining." He smirked, "sh-"

"OLIVIA!!" I heard JJ yell and I went to push Rafe away but he didn't even budge, so I hurry and moved to the complete other side of the room, as JJ walked in. "You obviously need to catch up, you're entire vibe is too sober, cmon." He grabs my wrist picking me up over his shoulder and I look over at Rafe and he has that stupid smirk plastered on his face and put his finger over his lips as if he's saying "shhh"

1345 word count

Sorry y'all, for the wait. A lot of shit has gone down this past month I'll also try to update my smut book too, I'm officially packing tomorrow and moving in with my dad soooooo yeah lmao.

Let me know what you guys think please..

I love y'all, stay safe. 💜

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