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I pick my phone up and shut the alarm off, look over to my side and see Dylan has already left for work. I pick my phone back up looking through my notifications, I see a message from JJ

"Hey Liv, we're having a party down here at the boneyard.. wanna come?"

This makes me wanna cry, I have pushed all my friends away because Dylan is too insecure so I literally have nobody but him and my mom for real, my brother also.

"I can't JJ.. I'm sorry, I miss you guys so much though!"

After my shower I throw on a lavender tank top and some blue high waisted jeans, and put my cotton candy colored hair in a pony tail. One thing I do like about myself, I know how to dye some mother fuckin' hair. I look in the mirror at all the purples, blues and pinks all in my hair and I smile. I clean my face piercings, I'm also amazing at doing those too. Then I look at my tattoos, yup you got it right. I'm godly at tattooing.

I get all my stuff together and walk to the kitchen, grab my water bottle and slice some cucumbers and put those in the bottom of my bottle then some ice water.

"That is absolutely fucking disgusting." I jump and snap my head over to Rafe, of course he's fucking smiling. "Holy shit you scared the fuck out of me, and no.. it's not. It's actually pretty fucking good. You just like beer and coke flavored things." I run my finger under my nose and smirk.

I go to walk past him but he grabs my arm and deeply chuckles  "you better watch your mouth sweetheart." I look up at him and ignore the fact I felt that in my stomach, and the fire his touch gives. I pull my arm back. "Don't fuckin touch me, god knows what you've been doin with those hands." He's smirking, again. "Wish it was you, huh?" I roll my eyes, "I'd rather die." I lied and turned around walking to the front door, I felt his stare on me.

"Forgetting something?" He questioned, I then noticed my hands were empty. Great.. more to add to his cockiness. I turn around and he's sitting there holding my water bottle, I walk over and hold my hand out but he's not giving it to me. "Rafe seriously?" I go to snatch it and he moves his arm back so I can't grab it. I scoff and walk over to the side of the counter he's on, reaching for it again. He holds it up, "cmon Rafe, how old are you? 5?" He then opens it and takes a drink, he scrunches his face up. "I was right, fucking disgusting." I nod my head and hold my hand out and he still isn't giving it to me. "Rafe, cmon just fucking give it to me!" I say slightly louder since I'm annoyed. "Aww baby, you'd like that wouldn't you?" He taunts, "thank god Dylans not here, imagine if he heard that one." He smiles.

"You're an actual child." I scoff and he finally hands me my bottle and I snatch it out of his hand, turning back around heading to the door. "You're welcome!" I hold up my middle finger walking out the door, I get in my car and take a huge breath. Those nicknames getting to me, it's the littlest shit he does that sets me off but he still makes me nervous.

Time skip...

"Today is Friday! Today is Friday! Kentucky fried chicken inna Pizza Hut!" My mom sang, I chuckled. "Thank god, lord knows we need a break from these customers. They're out of fucking control. Time to get dwunk!" She laughs, "girl, let me tell you!" I nod knowingly, shes the owner so she don't only have to deal with the shit customers, she has to deal with everything. "I wish Donnie could come back for like 5 minutes and get everyone back in line." I laugh, "oh my god I know, anyways it tis 4 o'clock. Time to roll out!" She exclaimed.

"I'll call you when I'm shit faced!" I yell out the door to her.

I finally get back home, Dylan won't be home for another couple of hours, Johns car is gone also. I walk in the door and the first person I see is the last person I seen here. "Why are you still here? And where's John?" I groaned knowing Dylans going to flip his shit if he gets home early and sees johns not here with Rafe and will automatically assume I'm sleeping with him. "Because I can and he went out to get more alcohol." I nod, "he best be picking up my shit too, I'll beat some ass."

I make my way back to my room and just lay down on my bed, I guess I drifted off to sleep cause I woke up to Dylan "you fucking serious right now?" I open  my eyes, "what happened?" I say groggily. "Rafes here." I nod, "I know he was here when I got home, I asked him where John was and he said he was getting alcohol for tonight." He scoffed, "what you suck his dick too?" I take a deep breath, "Dylan, I am not doing this right now. You walked in and seen me sleeping-" he laughs, "doesn't mean you didn't do it as soon as you got home." Now it's my turn to laugh, "oh yeah cause straight after work imma walk in and drop to my knees and put his dick down my throat right? You're fucking ridiculous."

"And you're a fucking alcoholic." I snap my head over, "I'm an alcoholic? I get drunk one day out of the week to get rid of all the shit I gotta deal with, just one fucking day! If you run out of weed you treat me like complete shit, worse than you normally do. You act like weed is crack bruh, you're the kind of person that gives weed a bad fucking rep cause you gotta stay high all the time or you don't know what to do with yourself. It's sad really, pathetic even." I shake my head, "I'm not doing this right now dude, leave me alone."

I walk out and go to the gaming room, on my way I see Rafe just standing there. "Don't" I hold my hand up as I walk past. I sit down in the chair and turn on apex, gotta distract myself before I get completely obliterated.

"YO! LIFELINES FLESH! SHES FLESH!" I yell in the mic and I get shot from the back by wraith. "YO WRAITH ON ME, ON ME!" I get downed, of course. One teammate is off on the other side of the map and the other one just got down. "Of fucking course bruh, useless ass fucking teammate. Octane, you're fucking garbage, and Seer, you're cool." I heard the mic of another player, "you're cool too Loba. Also Octane, you are complete garbage. GGs though!" I look at the clock and it's 8:00 pm already. I turn my Xbox off and go back out to the living room and I see Johns back.

"About time, I got tired of hearing you bitch about your game." I throw him the middle finger, "how many shots have y'all done?" John holds up three fingers, "great." I say to myself and prepare myself for the pain I'm about to endure. I take three back to back shots, "o-oh god. T-that was so bad." I get the chills.

I hear the front door open and I snap my head to John then look over at Rafe and he looks just as confused. I hear heels clicking on the floor and I look over and see some random girl, "Rafe, seriously? You couldn't wait at least an hour before you invite some girl?" He shook his head, "she's not here for me.." I look over at John and he shakes his head. What the fuck? "Hey, b are you lost?" I walk over, "I don't think so I'm looking for Dylan?" I then heard dylan come out, "yeah she's here for me." All four of us snap our heads over.

"There he is! Oh and are you his sister? You're so pretty!" I laugh, "no.. I was his fiancé.." her face drops, "w-what?" She sounds defeated. I scoff, "are you serious right now Dylan? Like.. what in the actual fuck?" I walk over towards him and push him, "you're such a dirty fucking bitch boy bruh, I definitely should of cheated on your ass bruh I knew I should of." I pushed him again, "you was right though, the reason I quit having sex with you was because of your performance and your dick. You're a two pump chump and have a needle dick? Shit dude pick a fucking struggle" I punch him in his face. "You ruin anyone's fucking life you step into. I really fucking hope you're ready to sleep in your car cause that's the only place you'd be allowed to sleep given your past. Nasty bitch." I feel hands grab me and pull me away, "OH! And I'll make sure I'll send you a video of me choking on some guys dick here soon! That's a promise baby!"

I pull out of Rafe's embrace and walk over to the girl, "leave while you can sweetheart, he'll ruin me just like he'll ruin you.." she just nods and walks out of the house. I turn back around and see all three men staring at me now, "Lou, you really didn't need to specify that last part to him, I didn't wanna hear that." I shrugged, "I don't care." I look over at Dylan, "the fuck you doin? I sug-" Rafe cuts me off, "look bro, if your not out by tomorrow morning, I will personally beat you damn near to death."

"I knew y'all had something going on." I roll my eyes, "no-" Rafe cuts me off once again, " if we had something going on I know for sure she wouldn't still be dealing with your bullshit, she'd be too high just off of what my dick could do to her to deal with your whiny ass." John clears his throat, "Cmon man, that's my sister." Rafe shrugged. "Dylan, I need you gone in the next hour, not tomorrow morning."

"Make me." He said, I looked over at Rafe and he was already looking at me.

1777 word count

Let me know how y'all are feeling about this story so far! Thank you guys so much for reading!

I love you, stay safe 💜

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