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"And I was running far away. Would I run off the world someday? Nobody knows, nobody knows." -Aurora,

There is one hour, fifteen minutes, and 10 seconds left until I leave the only home I have ever known.

I can't wait. Ledieu himself couldn't stop me from leaving this corrupt, soul-shattering perdition.

"Rettie?", a small, familiar voice calls out to me from across the moonlit room. My little sister stood clutching her pillow close to her chest.

"What are you doing, Blesatia?" I tear my gaze away from my window into her anxious eyes. Mother and Father didn't let us out of our rooms after dark. Punishments, to say the very least, were severe. She steps into my room, closing the door behind her.

"I know this is stupid, but I had a nightmare and, and I'm scared," she whispers shouts tiptoeing over to me. The starlight reflected off of Blesatia's tear-stricken face. I nod my head and she heads toward my bed. It's ironic, I suppose. As my sister feared to sneak down the hall, I planned to sneak out of the castle. I had won the 'who's stupider' contest.

"Rettie? Are you gonna keep staring out the window or are you gonna sleep, you know, the thing that helps humans function?" I giggled at her sarcastic tone.

"Uh yeah eventually. Don't wait, ok?", I responded.

"Mmk, night"

"Night, 'Tia," True was, I was too eager to sleep. We had spent 6 months planning my escape. I awaited midnight, for that was when my parents entered the slumber. I could execute my plan. First, I signal Julieso, a dear friend of mine, that it's time. He will then shoot darts coated in a potent sleep serum at the guards to stand below my window. Although I'm not sure what it is, I know it's something my mother takes every night. When he lets me know the job is done, I will grab the rope that I have permanently borrowed from the storage house and tie it to the bedpost so that it hangs out the window. Then I will get the hell of Beatue and start my new life. Even though I had revised this plan a thousand times, it terrified me that everything was going to go wrong. I glance at the clock hanging on my wall. Thirty-five minutes and twenty-five seconds. With every passing moment, my stomach knotted with fear, anticipation, and excitement. Tonight was the night I had dreamt of for so long. The night I would leave the place that took everything from me. Tonight was my night to be free. A light rapping on my door caught my attention. I sped to the door, opening it gingerly, trying hard not to reveal Blesatia snoozing in my bed. I come face to face with my mother's cold, dark eyes. My heartbeat grew so loud, I was sure she could hear it.

"Yes, mother?'', I ask, sounding groggy, as if I had just woken up.

"I just wanted to make sure you were ready to meet your suitors tomorrow?" Her thin eyebrow rose as she questioned me.

"Yes, mother of course," I put a smile on my face, hoping to cover up the fact that I was lying straight through my teeth.

"Well, all right then. Head back to bed and lay on your back, so your face won't be puffy.'' I nod my head and close my door, letting my eyes run over my room. They land on the ticking clock. Fifteen minutes and 13 seconds. There was just enough time to write my goodbye letter to Blesatia.

Dear 'Tia,

       Hi. When you wake up tomorrow, I won't be beside you. I won't be anywhere in the castle and hopefully, Beatue. I'm sorry to leave you, but I can't stay in this prison anymore. I need to be free, to find myself, to decide my own life for once. This doesn't mean that I don't love you or care about you. There are just too many casualties and I can't risk you getting hurt or not succeeding. Don't come looking for me, Blesatia, ever. I'm sure one day we'll see each other again, but that might not be for a while be for a while.

     I know you will feel alone in this, but I know you're strong enough to handle this 'Tia, I know you are. If at any moment you feel weak, remember that weak people would be dead if they went a fifth of what you have. And if push comes to shove, a little violence is a great stress reliever. I'll always be in your heart 'Tia.

Forever and Always,

       Fleurette L. Bolland

I placed the pen down on my desk and quietly got up from the chair. I look up at the clock.

                                                                              It was time.

Okay... not to gloat but... i ATE. I think it was great but i wrote i could be biased. Is it good? Will she escape? Will her parents find her? Nobody knows... well except me, but thats beside the point. I hope you love it, and comment and vote and all that stuff this really does mean a lot t ome so pls help me get there luvs. I love yall and i hope yall enjoyed it more soon. Love, Mia.

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