Untitled Part 4

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Julieso never looked away for a second, almost like he was waiting for me to break down. I wouldn't, I couldn't go back there. I jump to my feet and face the kitchenette.

" We should probably get some sleep, I got work tomorrow", I turn to face him. He's still sitting on the bed staring at me.

" I can't sleep if your butt's on my bed", I joke, trying to ease the tension. He stands up and walks toward me, and engulfs me in a hug. Instinctively, I wrap my arms around his waist and go limp against his body. I missed this. He lets me go and continues to stare at me.

"So, where's your shower?", he asks, changing the subject.

"It's in there but it's broken soo,"

" Got it," He chuckles. I head over to my bed grabbing the pillow and one of the blankets and hand it to him. Usually I always feel slightly perturbed at the fact that I didn't have a bed frame but today the two mattresses slapped on top of each other came in handy. I asked Julie to move the mattress because I didn't wanna struggle with it. We both settle down on the mattresses and try to get comfortable.

After tossing and turning for what felt like hours, I sigh in frustration.

" Julie?",


"I missed you,"

"I missed you too 'Lett," with that, I was out like a light.


"Fleurette, if you don't get the hell up!!", Julieso whisper-shouts. I bolt up at his breath hitting my ear and the noise coming from behind the door.

"Listen, I love you, but I don't need your hot morning breath making me go deaf", I mumble, my brain still overflowing with grogginess.

"Someone's breaking in! I thought I felt someone watching the whole trip but I thought I was being paranoid," He blurts. The jangling in the lock seemed to quicken at the sound of his voice.

" What's behind this building?", He questions me while speeding over to the window.

" Woods. we're on the outskirts of Desormelda. I don't know what's behind it or if they end, but.." I babble, getting up to my feet.

"The blankets aren't long enough to reach the ground, we're gonna have to jump,'' I aver, opening up the window.

" I'll go down first so I can catch you," He reasons, doing his best to shimmy his tall frame through the small window. He managed to jump down and land on his feet. Show off. As I climbed on the window seal the front door of the apartment swung open. I closed my eyes and jumped, preparing myself to fall on the ground. Instead, I landed in Julie's arms, as he said. Huh. My trust issues must be acting up.

We book it into the woods, not giving the intruder any time to catch up. We ran for what felt like hours. My legs gave out, and I collapsed to the ground. Julieso stood beside me.

" I think... we...lost 'em," Julieso huffs. I stumble to my feet, feeling like I lost a lung. Or my liver. Or my pancreas. I'm really not sure.

" Why, were they...following you?" I ask, trying to catch my breath.

"Let's see, sneaking away from the castle to go see a missing princess tends to raise suspicions." Julieso retorts, sarcastically.

" How did they know where you were going?" I ask, slightly perturbed.

" I was trying-" before he could finish his sentence an arrow pierced the tree standing between us. Instinctively I ran into the woods not stopping for anything. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, Air filled my ears as I ran through the thick, coarse woods. I try to keep up pace but I feel my body begin to tire. I slow my pace and sink down a tree. My chest feels like it could collapse at any moment. I can't feel the rest of my body. My head is pounding and my heart is in my throat. I am never running again. 

I know I'm the inconsistent wattpad author out there u don't gotta tell me. Sorry this chapter was so short I just felt like that was a good ending. I don't got much to say do your things and get me recognized. Anyways, Luv ya-Mia

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2023 ⏰

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