Chapter 1: Stars in the Night

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Warning you guys that there is the occasional cuss word as well as some suggestiveness.

Stars in the Night

Kovu's POV

"I am so glad that my father allowed the outlanders join together with us, Kovu" Kiara breath tingles my ear as we gaze into the sky at the setting sun, and the first stars of the night. "but even more than that, Kovu, I'm so happy that he finally accepts us being together." She purrs as she rests her head against my shoulderblades.

I smile and gently lick her cheek as I turn to look at her. Kiara was the best thing to ever happen to me. Considering how I was abused, and bullied, by everyone in my family and pride besides Vitani, she really is the best thing in my life.

I shifted on my paws as I closed my eyes and think about the first time I met Kiara. We were so young and curious back then. When I think about it, the first thing I remember is how beautiful she was. And our first adventure when we saved each others lives from the grasps of crocodiles jaws, and even had fun in the process. As I open my eyes, I hear Kiara sigh.

"Kovu..." She gasps, "look at the sunset! It's so beautiful..." She leans closer to me, and I feel her tail twine with mine.

"You're right Kiara, but it will never be as beautiful as you..." I gently kiss her cheek and her cheeks instantly heat up. I lean even closer to her as we watch the final rays of the sun cast beautiful shades of pinks and oranges against the approaching darkness of night.

As I turn to Kiara, the way the final minutes of sun glint off her amber eyes makes me smile and my heart warm up inside. Again, I lean yet even closer to her face as I glance repeatedly at her lips. Her paws are on my chest,  and mine are on her sides. I am just about to kiss her when-

"Hey! Kovu! You better not be putting your saliva into my daughter's mouth!" Simba roared.

I fall back in embarrassment, my cheeks flushing.

Kiara cries out in obvious disappointment and embarrassment.  "But Daddyyy!" She crosses her arms as she narrows her eyes at her father.

"Kiara. You are too young to be kissing boys." Simba glares at me, his canines slightly showing, causing me to look away. "You are barely more than an adolescent!" Simba hisses as he embraces his daughter.

Kiara squirms out of her father's grip and turns to him with a hiss. "Daddy. I am not your little girl anymore! I may be a princess, but that's only half of who I am! I love Kovu, and he loves me." She flicks her tail as she stomps past me, heading to the jungle. I crouch low to the ground as I wait for Simba to leave. Growling under his breath, he storms away, heading back to Pride Rock.

After Simba leaves, I follow Kiara's scent which leads to the waterfall in the rainforest. I see Kiara sitting beside the bank of the water and I walk up to sit beside her. Something about her scent has changed and I can't quite place what it is...

"Kovu, can we cuddle and makeout?" she asks in a flirtatious tone. She leans towards me, placing her paws against my chest as she kisses me.

I feel butterflies in my stomach as we continue to kiss and I finally realize what is different about her scent. Kiara is in heat, also what we like to call "in season." But I just can't stop kissing her, she's like a drug to me. I end up pulling myself closer to her and pinning her paws to the ground above her head as we continue to kiss.

Kiara slightly gasps as she pulls away from me to say something.  We were both breathing heavily.  "Kovi, do you want to...?" She asks.

"Do I want to what?" I question as it suddenly dawns on me what she wants. "Oh... you mean...?"

"Yes, Kovu, I mean sex." she says with a flirtatious giggle.

"I... I uh... I dont know, Kiara.." I glance away nervously. "What if your dad finds out? Or... or you get p-pregnant..?"

"Who cares? We are old enough to start our own pride Kovu, so why not take advantage of that?" Kiara states simply.

"Oh alright Kiara... but Simba is going to murder me if he finds out..." I say hesitantly.

"But he won't if he doesn't find out!" Kiara looks me in the eyes with her perfect... beautiful... angel eyes.. and I feel myself completely giving in.

Kiara pulls me towards her again, this time with the desire to go further than making out, and stupidly... I was just going to let it happen. I try to laugh a bit but it comes out sounding forced. I pull away to whisper into her ear sensually.  "Looks like we are finally starting that pride of our own... huh..." I continue to kiss her, until eventually things go further and it happens.

Kiara's POV

As I open my eyes to the morning sun I realize what me and Kovu actually did last night. I actually lost my virginity. I feel my heart beating faster and I feel Kovu stir beside me.

"Good morning, love." he whispers into my ear. I roll over and look into his eyes and he plants a gentle kiss onto my lips.

"Good morning, handsome." I say with my voice shaking a bit.

Kovu's eyes show the worry and concern that he holds for me and we both sit up. "Kiara... are you alright? Is this about last night?"

I slowly nod my head as I glance at my paws before I look back into his eyes again. "Did we make a mistake?" I whisper.

Kovu pulls me into his arms and I silently cry into his chest. He rubs his paws softly on my back, "Shush... Kiara it will be okay... I don't think we made a mistake," He takes my muzzle with one of his paws and gently lifts it up so he could look into my eyes, "Kiara, I know for a fact we did not make a mistake because I am in love with you."

I blush slightly as I reply, "Kovu.. I am in love with you too, but what if my mum and dad are angry when they find out?"

"They don't need to know unless you get pregnant baby... and if by chance you are, I will take full responsibility and be the best father I can."

"Awwh... Kovu!" I could see the love radiating from him. "But if you have gotten me pregnant, and truthfully I believe that you did... I don't want you to take the blame for what I wanted because if you do...? I am sure my dad will exile you again..."

Kovu blinks.  "Oh yeah... I had almost forgotten he has exiled me once before. Well, let's decide how to tell them as we walk back,  okay?  Because I am positive everyone is worried sick about you. We were gone all night!"

I nod to him and we slowly walk back, trying to delay our arrival. I take a shakey breath once we get there. "Are you ready for thid Kovu?" He nods in reply and we walk up to my parents.

"Mommy, Daddy... I-I think I'm pregnant."

So what do you think? I edited it to make it better and I plan on doing it to the rest of my chapters before adding on to it too.

Stay crazy xxx

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