Chapter 5

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Choosing Names

Kiara's P.O.V.

I open my eyes to the boys prodding my side with their paws and the smell of fresh kill. I smile. I knew they would get me something good to eat. I stand up shakily and I tear into my lunch. I give the boys eye contact to let them know they could eat two. They get my small gesture and they crouch down on either side of me, biting into the still warm flesh.

I lick my lips as I finally eat my fill. I look up to see Arianna walking towards me.

"Hey Arianna!" I call out to her.

"Hey Kiara!" She shouts back.

"How have you been? I haven't talked to you in a while." She asks.

"Oh you know... Just getting fat, ect." I laugh.

"You aren't getting fat! You're cubs are just growing." Arianna corrects me, laughing at my joke.

"Might as well be the same thing!" I say, deciding we needed a topic to talk about. "So what do you want to name your cubs?"

"Oh well I haven't exactly picked out too many names, but I like the names Lio and Napa." Arianna says, pausing. "What about for your cubs Kiara?"

"Those names are adorable for little boys!" I exclaim, "And I haven't thought about it much... but I always wanted to have a baby girl and name her Aura. Kovu decided on Kanu for our baby boy." I reply sighing. I was growing up too fast.

"Those names are so cute! I wished I would have thought of better names for my cubs!" She laughs and we both see Karma, Vitani, and Ana walk up. Karma's belly looked the largest of all of ours so far. She was due to have her cubs first though and she was having triplets.

"Hey you two!" Vitani called out.

"Hey!" Arianna and I reply in sync.

"Have you all thought of names for your cubs yet?" I ask curiously.

The first to reply was Ana. "I have! I like the names Blake, Skyler and Lani!"

"I helped pick the names." Ja says as he walks by.

"All three of those names are perfect for them!" Arianna coos over the adorable baby names.

"Well me and Moki both decided on all three of our triplets names. I chose the baby girl names Paka and Dae. Moki came up with the name Ryder for the boy." Karma replies, face shining with joy.

"What about you Vitani?" Arianna pipes in with her still cub-like cheery voice.

"Well, me and Kopa thought for a long time on what to call our baby girl." Vitani says, a glow in her eyes.

"Well what is it!" Arianna blurts out.

"We decided we wanted to name her Miah." Vitani's eyes sparkled as she talked. "I always loved the name. It's so beautiful."

"It really is." I say in a bit of a quiet voice.

"Well, I'm going to go into the cave now guys." I say as I yawn, getting ready for an early bedtime.

Kopa's POV

As I lay in the grass, watching the sunset, I think about what my daughter will be like.  Will she be like my sister? My mom? Vitani? Me? I just want to meet her already. 

"Kopa," I hear a voice beside me.

"Oh, hey Kovu."

"Do you think we are ready to be father's?" Kovu asks.

"Maybe not yet, but once our children are here I think we will be." I say gently.

"What makes you say that? I mean, we're still practically kids of our own." Kovu asks, obviously a bit distressed.

"Well think about it. Do you think our fathers were ready? Highly unlikely. They probably weren't ready until we were actually in their lives, or at least that's what I think." I shrug.

"I suppose you're right." He chuckles. "I just can't believe I am going to be a dad, AND an uncle." 

I laugh in return, "Me neither Kovu. Me neither."

Again, I changed some things, haha.

Stay crazy xxx

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