Well not exactly...

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This isn't a book for the roleplays, just no...

Rules.. : there isn't any :D

We (admin 1 and 2) don't have any triggers actually, we rp freely for you so give us all you've got.

Admin 1 will be handling most of the bxg roleplays, if admin 1 were to pick out a bxb roleplay he will not write any smut in it, unless he gives me his phone to me so i can roleplay it with you :D

Admin 2 which is myself, will do all the bxb roleplays. So if you're roleplaying bxb with this account it's most likely me.

By not having any triggers we actually don't know ours yet, so far with the rps we've done we don't have any. But if we were to find out our triggers we will tell you nicely.

Rules : again, there isn't any... but maybe  we can come to an agreement that we don't really like it when our roleplay bud would use the same words repeatedly, we don't expect you to stop immediately and we will not remind you either because we want you to be comfortable.

And we've found that most of the roleplays we do are with the citizens from europe. I am here to say that... we're from Indonesia and most likely have a 9-12 hour time difference. So please understand if we don't reply from 11 Am your time it's that we're either sleeping or doing homework.

Fantasy : You can just leave out the fantasy part, if you're not into fantasy roleplays of course.

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