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"Vic, it's time to go home," Maya said, approaching her roommate who was currently sitting in the lounge on the couch, head leaning heavily on her hand, "You sound like hell, and you're burning up, and I have let you stay way longer than I should have."

"I don't want to," Vic said, shaking her head, "I'm fine."

"You're not fine," Maya said, shaking her head, "You're sick. You probably caught the flu from Travis or something. You need to be at home, in bed and not here infecting the entire shift."

"Last time I tried to drive home when I was sick, I ended up delivering a baby in a fire in the rain," Vic retorted, "I'm not driving myself home. Besides, you never go home when you're sick."

"Well, you are better than me. And last time I was sick, I did stay home, thank you very much. Now come on, I already have someone from C shift on their way for some OT," Maya said as footsteps approached, "And you don't have to drive yourself."

"You only stayed home because Carina was also sick, and she threatened to withhold sex for a month if you went to work," Vic mumbled, looking toward the door.

"Bella," Carina said, smiling as she walked in, giving her girlfriend a kiss before turning to face Vic.

"What are you doing here?" the sick woman asked, looking at her two roommates, coughing a little.

"Well, Maya texted and said you were sick and that you needed to go home," Carina said, offering Vic a sad smile, "So I came to pick you up."

"You drove over here to bring me home?" Vic asked, looking at the Italian woman.

"Si," Carina said, nodding, "Well, and to bring Maya some tiramisu I made."

"You did what?" Maya said, looking at her girlfriend, "God, I love you."

"I love you too," Carina said, giving Maya another kiss.

"Ok, my stomach is already upset," Vic said, "All this PDA might actually make me puke today."

"Alright," Carina said, chuckling a little, "Come on. I am taking you home."

"Thanks Carina," the sick woman said, getting off the couch, stumbling a little as she took a step.

"Woah," Maya said, putting an arm around her friend, "You good?"

"Yeah," Vic said, "I just need to change and grab my stuff."

"Do you need help?" Maya asked, guiding Vic to the locker room.

"I think I'm good," Vic said, "But maybe don't leave?"

"Sure," Maya said, leaning against the washing machine, keeping an eye on her friend who was so unsteady.

The sick woman managed to change into her street clothes, throwing her uniform in the laundry before grabbing her bag.

"Alright," Vic said, "I'm ready."

"Come on," Maya said, taking her roommate's bag from her. Carina was waiting outside the door, smiling a little.

"Ready?" the doctor asked.

"Yeah," Vic said, nodding as they headed down the stairs.

Maya walked out to the car with them, throwing Vic's bag in the back as the sick woman climbed in the front.

"Feel better Vic," Maya said, "Let me know if there's anything I can bring home tomorrow."

"Thanks Mai," Vic said, wiping her nose on a tissue she had grabbed, "Thanks for calling Carina to take me home."

Sick VicWhere stories live. Discover now