When Reality Stucks!

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(Speakers of the building starts and a similar voice starts talking) : Thank you so many Candidates you have reached the final stage of this game!

Candidates were in shock then suddenly a phone rings

That voice tells them to pick up that phone)

C1: Hello

Superior 1: Hello C1 do you remember me let's make this easy I'm the stranger you saved from that place!

C1: What the fuck is this all about!!

S1: Haha.. don't lose your calm let me tell you everything in detail!

(S1 starts narrating a story) : A few years ago the upper-class people are bored with their old lives and the same problems so they wanted something different for that they organized an international conclave in which they invited all the famous strategists, scientists, army person, politicians and doctors from around the world to make a show which will help the Upper Class/Billionaires to be entertained all the time like a reality show and this all resulted in this "Relation Z" - A live show which has emotions, drama, bloodshed and lots of other components but you guys made it even better your love, envy, and rage just redefined it for a greater good!

C1: You motherfuckers just made a show on our graves! This is shit!! Our lives are...fuck you and your superiors!

What the fuck are you saying this was all a show which was set by some fucking Richie rich society for their fun!

You also made us kill our relatives too I killed a mother who wants to save her child what the fuck this is just getting shittier!!

S1: Calm down this is nothing you middle-class people are meant to die either by any medical problem or a car accident your life doesn't matter!!

And yeah you didn't kill your relatives they are already killed them!

C1: What?? How ??

S1: Haha..you are a bit curious! Let me tell you those things were not zombies they are Better Clones of normal zombies that's why they were so hard to kill they have a chip inside their brains by which we can control them and make the show more thrilling! I know this is show business you see..haha and yeah we lied to you, you are not the 1st batch there were more batches before you which came here and tried to do what you did and they killed your so-called cloned relatives and loved ones earlier also..you getting it? This is a vicious cycle!

(C5 takes the phone from C1 and shouts) : You son of a bitch we are coming to kill you and will shoot your genius mind out of your shitty body!!

S1: You think I don't have prior plans for it !!!

(S1 pushes a button and some doors open)

Now let's see if you can kill the smartest Clobies (clones + zombies) we ever created!

C4: Fuck! let's go guys we are not ready for this!!!!

C1: I'm ready for everything! I have figured it out!!

C10: Yeah of course like you did to that mother

C1: Just shut up! I'm the leader here you are just my servant! And that mother was a bitch she was supposed to die!!

C10: I never like this person and now he is fucking talking like a son of a bitch superior and we can't afford an egoistic person to save our lives!

You die here! we will not follow your orders from now it's high time!!!

C1: I'll not die but you will surely

(C1 shoots C10)

(C13 & C14 shoots C1)

C13: that's enough of killing each other and following a douche bag, let's move from here, run!!.....

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