Neighbours Sucks

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C12: Oh My God! That was awesome!!

Manager: We don't have time to celebrate a perfect landing!

(C22 replies Sarcastically) : Yes sir!

- Place: Z ZONE -

Manager (orders): Get to the Ace Apartment! Quick. quick.

(Candidates with the manager capture the Ace Apartment and everyone takes the position)

(C1 loads his gun and asks sarcastically) : So we here at the position! where are the motherfucking dead peoples

(Suddenly C19 hear some voice and says) : Sir, I hear something.

Manager: Yes C19 me too

(The voices start coming close)

Manager: Candidates load your guns to be ready!

(Manager talks to Captain on his earpiece) : Sir we have got some zombies coming in our way

Captain: Okay copy that, be careful and try not to lose anyone this is the first wave.

Manager: Copy that sir!

(Now everyone can hear the voices and those voices are approaching them quickly

Some faces begin to show and those reassemble to their relatives and neighbors

All the candidates start to notice that the first wave has some of their relatives and neighbors coming towards them to eat them)

C6: Oh shit that's the daughter of my neighbor which I humped ones! Shit, are you fucking kidding us manager does the captain send us here to kill zombies or kill our neighbors I don't think she will ever think of killing me!!

(C6 overconfidently goes out of the safe area and went to that zombie. C6 starts to tell her who he is and also asks her what happen to her?

She (Zombie) wait for a while and then she pushed him and took him inside the mob of zombies.

C6's screams were audible at once but dilutes as his body moves further in the mob of zombies.)

(C1, C3 & C7 says in a similar tone) : Fuck! He was a dumbass!

(C10, C11, C12 and other says to manager) : Manager, what the hell is this! Do we have to kill those people who were once our neighbors!

(C3 replies in between) : what a silly question! Of course, otherwise, we will be their dinner!!

The manager says: Yes you all have to kill them so that we can reach their "CORRE" and get the solution!

C11: Fine! No problem they were not that much close to us!

All the candidates starts shooting and the zombie wave was taken down in a few minutes.


Relation ZTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon