Author's Note

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I would like to clarify that this story will contain mature content (+18) such as:

-Talks about eating disorders.
-Bad talk. (Cursing)
-Explicit sexual content. (Would not specify right now because of spoilers, but yeah this book has smut, so If you don't like that then this book is not for you)

ALL rights of this book are reserved to me. This idea came from my head, and I would like credit for it so please do not copy another person's job, because I've put hours, days, and hard work into it.

-I'd like to be clear, so, this book is LGBTQ+, talks about feminism, has people of all (majority) skin colors, and races.
-I tried to do my best in including beautiful people of all kinds so everyone can feel identified; therefore, if you don't feel comfortable reading about this, then I'll kindly like to ask you to leave please because I don't want any negative energy.

-All videos, images are from YouTube and Pinterest, NOT mine.

-I personally hate when authors put pictures of the characters because I feel forced to imagine them that way; therefore, I only put the Aesthetics so you guys have an idea of their vibes, style, and some important things like eye color. It's all made to help you through this experience, so I hope it works :)

-I accept all kinds of comments so if you guys find a mistake I made along the way please refer to it nicely, and I'll change it. I love the feedback that will make this better so I'm open for it, but again be nice.

-I have a really hard time at the beginning of my books because I don't know how to start them, so I kindly ask you guys to give it time, and you'll love it! :)

WELLLL have an amazing read and I hope you guys love Ana and Paris's story as much as I do. Again, thank you for choosing this book for your next read.

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